Greetings. My name is xodiatheforbiden. If my calculations are correct, you should be receiving this transmission in the year 2022 AD.
Chips are down, I have traveled from a bluesight to this greensight in search of a community of posters not obsessed with board drama and sportsball. If you could accept me as one of your own, I would greatly appreciate it.
Some notes about me:
I smoke weed every day
I’m about 10 iPhones tall
I’m buckshot
So w’sup with rollitup? AMA

Chips are down, I have traveled from a bluesight to this greensight in search of a community of posters not obsessed with board drama and sportsball. If you could accept me as one of your own, I would greatly appreciate it.
Some notes about me:
I smoke weed every day
I’m about 10 iPhones tall
I’m buckshot
So w’sup with rollitup? AMA