weak stem

I just started to try and grow and i got about a week or 2 into it and the stems started to fold under its own weight. the stem was weak and just eventually died on me. I dont know if it was not enough light, too much water, too much food or not enough of something. beginner so just trying to get anything. Can i get any help here?


Well-Known Member
prop it up and aim a fan on the plant. a fan should strengthen the stem.

it could have been caused by any of the following; poor ventilation, over watering or the light being too far from the plant causing it to stretch


Well-Known Member
It could be a few things. Did you have a fan blowing air around? it really helps the plant get stronger
As other people above said a fan can force the plant to grow a stronger stem to overcome the force of the moving air. Also, some plants develop stronger roots and stems from the occasional drought.


New Member
i just used a six inch fan that i have hanging up n another fan lower , that made the stems into stalks in no time..now they seem unbreakable..lol..gl..