Weed plant 20 days old. First time grower. Does it look good?


New Member
Hey guys, this is my 4th try trying to grow a single marijuana plant. I recently moved to Mexico and I brought myself some weed seeds from California. Unfortunately, Mexico doesn't have the luxury of equipment's for indoor growing and the electricity bill here is VERY expensive. So I decided to do it all naturally with just proper good soil from the store, using the sun rays as light and always giving it fresh filtered water.

This plant here I had it inside of my restroom next to a skylight window. When it reached 20 days old I noticed that it wasn't growing fast enough due to lack of lighting, and after looking at everyone else's plants already having 3-4 sets of leaves on the 20th day I knew something was off. So just yesterday Ive decided to move my plant outside where the sun is always hitting from 6am to 6pm. I always wait around 3-4 days until the soil is completely dry so i could water it until water starts pouring from the bottom drainage. Today was the day i gave it water. Does it look healthy for you guys? (the seed is still stuck on the bottom leaves and I will be letting it fall off naturally)

day 20.jpg

Around when should i start feeding it nutrients? and how much of it? The only thing that was available around here was granular fertilizer.

PS. I live in the state of Michiocan, Mexico which is know for its good agriculture weather. Its always sunny and very warm with a lots of raining days in the first weeks of every month. Thank you guys for your help!
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Hi it's alive good start imo I wouldn't feed any nutes until it has used it's first leaves the round ones not sure of the technical name for it. The soil is it straight out of the ground?
The baby looks ok. Probably a bit behind where it should be but it looks healthy enough. There’s a few things you could do to help improve your chances of success. Mainly soil improvement and more light.

When they are young and in veg, you want them under light for at least 16-18 hours, some go full 24 all throughout veg. When they are real small they don’t need strong light, just constant light. As they get bigger the light intensity becomes more and more important. The main schedule for veg is usually 18 hours on and 6 hours off.

That soil looks like a disaster waiting to happen. It resembles mud more than anything. This will create issues with root development and overall health. Roots need oxygen, this is why the soak and dry method works well. Allows the pots to dry out, forcing roots to explore for water.

I would def mix alot of perilite with it at the very least. Or buy some proper growing soil . It will save you a lot of headaches.

Best of luck
Hey mate I'm a newer grower myself but one thing I do know is drainage struggles! Frustrating watching seedlings inching out while people have explosive growth haha. So get drainage in that soil pronto, preferably new soil altogether or perlite/wood chips for budget haha beware tho they can give you nitrogen issues. if your leaves are drooping it's waterlogged, roots need oxygen aswell and that looks compacted ASF. And definitely drop pot size that's way too big for that seedling if your planning on getting drainage, u want it to go wet dry wet dry as quick as possible to make roots grow I'll attach a vid for why.
The leaves should be pointed to the light like they're "praying" reaching upward.
