
Active Member
I like the idea that the general public should know as much as possible about any given intoxicant before deciding whether or not ( and when, how much and how often) to put it into their bodies. I believe adults should make their own informed decisions on these highly personal matters, as befits citizenry endowed with the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The government, unfortunately, does not share this view and begins its own brand of higher education early- routinely and repeatedly indoctrinating the very young with the somewhat confusing credo that ALL drugs are morally wrong ALL the time (even if we see mommy and daddy doing them), except alcohol and tobacco, which happens to harm WAY more people every year than ALL OTHER DRUGS COMBINED! Ask why this sounds so inconsistant, and like a lazy parent, the powers that be respond, "cause we said so!"
A reasonable adult DOES NOT accept such reasoning. The only appropriate response to this kind of unrelenting government propaganda- and make no mistake, that's what the "Drug War" amounts to, along with a lot of ruined lives- is to think for yourself a suggestion you're not likely to get from your local "Drug Czar" who'd actually much prefer to do the thinking for you. The upside of thinking for yourself, of course, is being to do whatever YOU think is best, but along with that freedom comes the responsibility of living with the consequences. So look before you leap, think before you drink, know before you grow and learn before you burn. Peace