Week 12 of flower. I took pics of Trichomes


Well-Known Member
& was hoping yall could help look at em from week to week. I took pics from different ends of the plant & middle. Some of the pics aren't real good. I'm going to get a digital Microscope soon. This is my 1st grow & she's Blue Dream. I'm looking forward to harvest & curing. I made a few mistakes, but I've learned alot from this experience. I appreciate all the help from the old skool cats. I can take constructive criticism. I'm here to learn. I dont want to crop too early. I will say the buds are nice & compact. Not airy at all. I was surprised because even the bottom stuff is pretty thick. I've been watching all the white hairs change to red. Pretty cool. Thx. Again for any help. - Casey



Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting do you run and what size tent and pots are you using? Good looking buds. Few more weeks though be patient and she will treat you good.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting do you run and what size tent and pots are you using? Good looking buds. Few more weeks though be patient and she will treat you good.
Hey man. It's a 2x4x6' tent with a Maxsisun PB1500 & then I also have a Philzon 600 in the corner, since the plant got so big. I'm using a 5 gallon fabric pot. Although I think I may go bigger on the pot next grow. Thanks, it's been fun. I'll hang in there till she's ready.