Week-2weeks after growing


This is one of my plants after about a week and abit is this normal or should it be bigger?


The other one a few days behind:

Both are abit bigger now and are starting to grow the 2nd set of leafs and are both under 2x 12w and 2x 20w CFL's


Well-Known Member
Thats normal. Some plants are slow starters. I've noticed all of my slow starters have been great finishers. Do you have a warm spot? Or do you have anything heating your roots?

Looks a bit small what kind of light do you have on?
Read his post and you will find the answer yourself. Did you just look at the photos and click comment?
looks kind of small for 2 weeks if that is 2 weeks after sprouting. If it is 2 weeks after seeding, then fine.
Dont worry, they will be okay... Worry when they are that small next week. Give em plenty of light. If using cfl's get them within a few inches. Don;t let them dry out/ Here is aDSCN2820.jpg 9 day old seedlings./ 8 days after germination

Sorry its so dark, I cant seem to get em light enough for RIU posting. You get the idea


Well-Known Member
Both under 2x 12w and 2x 20w CFL's, they are both big buddah cheese. Hmm Silus what strains have you had that are slow starters?
Lots of strains. I've had two seeds of the same strain take different times to start. It isn't necessarily a strain limited trait.


looks kind of small for 2 weeks if that is 2 weeks after sprouting. If it is 2 weeks after seeding, then fine.
Dont worry, they will be okay... Worry when they are that small next week. Give em plenty of light. If using cfl's get them within a few inches. Don;t let them dry out/ Here is aView attachment 1901328 9 day old seedlings./ 8 days after germination

Sorry its so dark, I cant seem to get em light enough for RIU posting. You get the idea
I know its abit of a stupid question but what do you mean by 2 weeks after sprouting or seeding?


Well-Known Member
Thats normal. Some plants are slow starters. I've noticed all of my slow starters have been great finishers. Do you have a warm spot? Or do you have anything heating your roots?

Read his post and you will find the answer yourself. Did you just look at the photos and click comment?
My apologizes I didn't see the entire post.


Well-Known Member
Somebody else would be more qualified to answer that. I just recently started using nutrient feed. I've been growing in pure FFOF for years.


Active Member
you mention the watts but what spectrum is it? the plant does look a little small for being 2 weeks. but it still looks like a healthy plant... maybe it needs more light.... how close are your lights to the plant?


you mention the watts but what spectrum is it? the plant does look a little small for being 2 weeks. but it still looks like a healthy plant... maybe it needs more light.... how close are your lights to the plant?
They are about 5000-6500 lumens and about 1-2 inches away