Week 8 of flowering, all tricomes clear


New Member
Hey Everyone here. New to the site, and new to growing. I have a single plant. Started as indoor, but after 3 months decided to go outdoors. My plant has been thriving. I began to notice the tricomes about 8 weeks ago. Ive inspected her daily, but all tricomes are still clear.
About a month ago, we had some heavy winds (im in southern california). My plant got pretty beat up. Her main stock split near the bottom where i originally topped her.16397014966272442737730039106644.jpg16397015578941537857704166305857.jpg I immediately wrapped and sterilized my tools to keep it clean. Her leaves and body remained spry. I still have her wrapped. Now, we are starting to get colder weather. I am afraid she has stopped producing resin. I stopped nutrient feeding 2 weeks ago, and now she gets ph balanced water. Should i go back to nutrients? Is she damaged beyond repair? Not sure what steps to take next. Any feedback would be helpful.

She is puple kush og indica from seedling.


Well-Known Member
Give it some time. I’ve had that same crack at were you topped it. It was just after I flipped the lights. Turned out fine.
Another one I lifted to see if it needed water and stuffed one of the main colas into the fan. Broke the branch at the stock. 3weeks into flower. Plant turned out good. But a few Oz less I’m sure. Lol