week4 into flowering


New Member
I am 4 weeks into flowering my indoor plant. I went in earlier and trimmed a shit load of fan leaves off.. how will this affect my plant? and what should I watch out for ?

first time grower btw..


Well-Known Member
Should have asked the question before you trimmed it.
pictures will help determine if you over did it. read up on trimming in the forum


Well-Known Member
I am 4 weeks into flowering my indoor plant. I went in earlier and trimmed a shit load of fan leaves off.. how will this affect my plant? and what should I watch out for ?

first time grower btw..
Watch out for alot of leaves to grow back and a sense that you just stepped back In time a week.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much as resin said. You set yourself back a week, maybe two depending on how the plant handles it. Depending on how much you took off, the plant will not eat/transpire/flower as quick as it should. Don't feed as much during this time or you will just wake up wih burnt fan tips.