Weird Colored Leaves. Is she dying?


so i posted here a few weeks back with a drooping problem which was due to lack of water. Everything was fine for a while but then i noticed some of my leaves coming out of the buds were purple. I didn't think anything of it because purple bud is typically i good thing. But i walked out this morning and now there is a variety of different colors on my leaves. brownish/yellow green/yellow brown/green, none of which seem healthy to me. the buds are looking great but the leaves tell a different story. I think its really close to harvest too so i may end up cutting it down quite soon. its getting much colder out. here are some pictures and i would love some professional opinions on what i should do.
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Well-Known Member
Well i wouldnt worry about the purple color, that happens naturally to some strains in cold temps i believe below 55-60 degrees. I would be more concerned with the spots. Im thinking you have some nute issues. How soon are you going to cut her? If its in the very near future, i would just give her water and molasses from here on out.


Well-Known Member
the purple i think is strain thing, you can bring put purple by drooping temps ect, but only if they have the purp gene, the last pic looks like potassium deficient, same colors i get in the last week, when reducing nutes and yours have a few weeks yet


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't worry about it at all, harvest her between the 7-10th of October, she'll be nice and swollen. That's all good, mine are in weeks 5-8 and lot's of them have lost their fan leaves and some are browning out but the buds keep going so don't worry about it.