Weird lead color otherwise healthy thriving plant

Hey so I’m on day 23 from sprout 30 if you include germination and solo cup. The plant showed very early signs of being female and grew super quick. I have my nutrients dialed in I believe along with my water source. Heat during the day is 72-78 after the homage carbon filter it’s staying a solid 75. At night it stays about 65-68. The growth has gone from up an inch every few days to absurd amounts of branches. I thought i may have over watered after the transplant from 1 gallon to a 4 gallon pot so I’ve been conservative on watering and nutes but not completely stoped I thought it was iron deficiency so I gave it a heavy organic feed of big bloom. With no I’ll results I’m curious what y’all think I’m new so I could be going down a rabbit hole after a wrong assumption. Pics of issue below. I have no clue what the genetics are.I know it’s indica. And the seedlings all look very ruderal like. I’m starting to believe it’s a autoflowering strain because of its insane growth and it seems to be beginning to flower and had stopped stretching. If that’s e case could my issue be a not giving it flowering nutes when that’s what it wants to do?


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