Weird looking White Widow seedling. Anyone seen something like this before?


Well-Known Member
It will just continue like that. Kinda Cool.
Btw, nice name sign over there, did you wipe your ass with it? :D


Well-Known Member
that is called a triploid goes up to four per internode that i have heard of will be a fuller plant normal two branches per internode yield should do beter

gluck wit it


Well-Known Member
I'm always glad to see a "triple" among my seedlings. They seem to be healthier, for some reason.
Instead of the condition being a negative -- it may be a genetic variation that improves the plant somehow.
If you've got more than one going in those styrofoam cups try to keep that one seperate. Never can tell,
maybe some day instead of Jack Herrer growers will be growing Beckah Banana!



Well-Known Member
Yes I have an indica in flower right now that started that way, and instead of the regular 2 branches per node interval their are 3 branches, needless to say thats an awesome plant. I hope yours turns out the same way, it can only be a good thing!