weird plant growth


Well-Known Member
Probably bad genetics. That’s only a guess as I’ve never seen that before. How’s the growth rate on it compared to the others your running. Also whats medium , temps , rh, etc helps when needing help for clarity and understanding to give you the best feed back.


Well-Known Member
As @Hiphophippo stated. Seedlings are extremely sensitive starting out. The wild card is a seed that starts with problems, maybe runty, and even not germinate. Sometimes it’s us who make the problem other times it’s the luck of the draw. Hopefully your seedling can bounce out of what’s going on and start to take off in veg in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Maybe got water on it while watering with lights on trying to hit middle of plants base? Soil looks soaked for that small of a plant. If you're already using nutrients that can burn on contact as well


Well-Known Member
is it growable still or is it gonna be mutated ? smh
Only one way to find out. I had a seedling that sprouted and besides the first single bladed leaves it didn't grow at all for a few weeks then started all wonky and and shes growing now. I'm going to see what she can do. I did pop another seed as a replacemnt tho, now I just an extra plant. if thats your only plant and it seems like it's stalled out bad over the next few days I'd plant another.