Weird problem, can not figure it out


Active Member
Hi guys,

I've been lurking here for some time, soaking knowledge an preparing for my first grow. And here it is ... :(
I don't want to bother you, but I'm really worried right now, and
I can not figure it out by myself. Leaves(upper leaves) on my young plants are turning spotty(yellowish spots) and pale green.
One plant is really bad, others are starting the same...

22 plants in 18l pots, reseeded 6days ago(were fine when reseeding). Current height 12-20cm
Growbox 3,2mx1,4mx2,2m, lined with silver foil
Ventilation 240cubic meters / h
Temperature lamp on (18h): 25-28C, 35-50% humidity
Temperature lamp off(6h): 18-20C 40-60% humidity
3 fans for mixing air
4pcs 400W MH lamp, will change later to HPS, distance around 60-70cm from plants
Soil: Quality plant soil, premixed with guana, some perlite and 4-4-5 NPK, plus other minerals, ph 5,8-6,5l
Currently no nutrients added, planned for later.
Watered with stale water from tap (no ph value yet, sorry, waiting for meter to arrive)
Sprayed on them a couple of times with water to clean the soil from leaves
No visible bugs, mold...

manganese...but why? Should be already in soil--- I can only think of ph wrong...
Light burns...But there is plenty of distance between lamps and plants...
Too much water? Don't see any curling...

Any suggestions?

Thank you very much!



Active Member
no spider mites? did you spray them with the lights on?

Don't see spiders...It is winter outside, +2C max, and I desinfected the whole room and repainted it...Are they really really small??

And yes, sprayed them with lights on...Shouldn't have? Yikes!
Is it possible this could have such an effect?

Still learning I guess...

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Don't see spiders...It is winter outside, +2C max, and I desinfected the whole room and repainted it...Are they really really small??

And yes, sprayed them with lights on...Shouldn't have? Yikes!
Is it possible this could have such an effect?

Still learning I guess...

Thank you!
spraying with lights on can cause burning
i spray an hour or two before lights on


Well-Known Member
Looks just like spider mite damage to me.
Yes they are very small and can really only be seen under a 40x loop. They will be on the back of the leaves munching away making those yellow spots.
If you can check for them and you see them, you are still in veg stage and can use stuff to kill them.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Looks just like spider mite damage to me.
Yes they are very small and can really only be seen under a 40x loop. They will be on the back of the leaves munching away making those yellow spots.
If you can check for them and you see them, you are still in veg stage and can use stuff to kill them.
Good luck
I can see them when I take my glasses off, I'm nearsighted. Myopia is like having a microscope eye, good up close but horrible far away.


Well-Known Member
First, you are not 'bothering'. This is a learning/ sharing site.;-)
Temp looks OK, and RH looks ok, but have you put your hand just above the top leaves to feel the heat given off by the lights? Is it warm to your hand?
I would try to keep your PH closer to 6.5, than fluctuating between 5.8 and 6.5
What do you mean 'stale tap water'?
Is it just that you leave it for a day to evap off the chlorine?
Why are you having to 'spray to remove leaves'?
Are that many dropping?
Personally, I would rather just pick out any fallen leaves, and do a regular watering when they need it.
Any chance when you spray, you are splashing on those top leaves? If so, your light might be magnifying through the water droplets and causing the spots, but usually that will look more like a burn, which it is.


Well-Known Member
First, you are not 'bothering'. This is a learning/ sharing site.;-)
Temp looks OK, and RH looks ok, but have you put your hand just above the top leaves to feel the heat given off by the lights? Is it warm to your hand?
I would try to keep your PH closer to 6.5, than fluctuating between 5.8 and 6.5
What do you mean 'stale tap water'?
Is it just that you leave it for a day to evap off the chlorine?
Why are you having to 'spray to remove leaves'?
Are that many dropping?
Personally, I would rather just pick out any fallen leaves, and do a regular watering when they need it.
Any chance when you spray, you are splashing on those top leaves? If so, your light might be magnifying through the water droplets and causing the spots, but usually that will look more like a burn, which it is.
did you even read his post? he sprayed them to remove dirt not to remove leafs. I'm still trying to figure out what reseeding means.


Well-Known Member
did you even read his post? he sprayed them to remove dirt not to remove leafs. I'm still trying to figure out what reseeding means.
"To clean the soil from leaves".
Sorry, my mistake.
I misunderstood as I read, I was thinking to remove leaves from the soil, and I'm not sure about the 'reseeding' either.


Well-Known Member
I'd say spider mites too. I use a method that's 100% natural to kill all pests, moulds, fungus ect. I have a hand held UV "C" wand that I run over the plants. It's a bit pricy to first purchase, 200 smackers here. It hasn't let me down yet but you have to be careful with it, you MUST wear protective eye ware and don't hold it too long on the plant as I read it can mess with it. As mentioned there are also other natural ways to kill mites. I just like the wand because I run it in my rooms before I bring in new plants and it's hospital sterile in there after that.


New Member
I never had spidermites, i dont know the damage caused by them but these guys seem to think its spider mites. If I personally didnt see any bugs and my leaves started looking like that. I would say they may not be getting the nutrients they need. I would feed them your veg. nutes at a somewhat weak/mild strength(oh and like the others said make sure to ph it to 6.3-6.5.)


Well-Known Member
I never had spidermites, i dont know the damage caused by them but these guys seem to think its spider mites. If I personally didnt see any bugs and my leaves started looking like that. I would say they may not be getting the nutrients they need. I would feed them your veg. nutes at a somewhat weak/mild strength
yeah has some nutrient problems as well as possible spider mites

the leaf stems are reddish purple i think im seeing that right


Active Member
First, you are not 'bothering'. This is a learning/ sharing site.;-)

Thanks :weed:

Temp looks OK, and RH looks ok, but have you put your hand just above the top leaves to feel the heat given off by the lights? Is it warm to your hand?

It is warm, but never hot. Have IR Temperature measurnig gun, surface of leaves is under 28 all the time

I would try to keep your PH closer to 6.5, than fluctuating between 5.8 and 6.5

OK. Just need to get my digital ph meter, it is in the mail...

What do you mean 'stale tap water'?
Is it just that you leave it for a day to evap off the chlorine?


Why are you having to 'spray to remove leaves'?

I was just cleaning them of dirt.

Personally, I would rather just pick out any fallen leaves, and do a regular watering when they need it.
Any chance when you spray, you are splashing on those top leaves? If so, your light might be magnifying through the water droplets and causing the spots, but usually that will look more like a burn, which it is.

Wont do that any more....


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, did you say 12-20 inch tall plants and you havent given them any nutrients yet? That just might be your problem. Yellowing, improper leaf formation, id say start there. There may be more problems but you cant hurt them by feeding them :) good luck


Active Member
did you even read his post? he sprayed them to remove dirt not to remove leafs. I'm still trying to figure out what reseeding means.

Sorry about reseeding, it is not a correct word, should use transplanting...not a native speaker, I'm from Europe :joint: