Weird stuff while tripping

I was tripping off of two banging bears tabs one evening at a live band party, BBQ, beer and music. My band had already played and it was Funtime. They had a feed trough as the grill with flames 4’ tall coming off it. I asked where the chicken was and the host pointed at the grill. I reached into the flames and grabbed a 1/2 chicken out of the fire without getting burned or singeing a hair. Another time I was drawing in a recliner while on shrooms and dropped my pencil into the recliner, I reached into the chair to get the pencil and I looked down the side of the chair to see my arm come out of the side of the solid recliner, grab the solid pencil and pull it through the side of the chair and out of the space made by the cushion and arm of chair… through the chair… with no holes in bottom or sides. Read Carlos Castaneda books, many events happen in those during hallucinations. Written by an anthropologist in the late 60- early 70s
Read Carlos Castaneda books, many events happen in those during hallucinations. Written by an anthropologist in the late 60- early 70s
I read them back in the late seventies ,if you do read the Carlos Castaneda books, read them in the order they were written. He starts as a noob and goes all the way to shamen. If I remember right he describes mostly peyote trips.
Hello guys i have taken acid multiple times and almost every time a weird stuff happens at the peak or when the most intense part is. It feels like some beings/aliens wanna pull my soul from my body out in the sky or they wanna take my soul out of my body. For example i was reading a book called "life is a gift" really nice book full of wisdom, reading this book on acid felt elevating and very eye opening but at the same time an energy "god knows" where it was coming from felt like it was pulling me out of my body and that it was intentionally wanna stop me from absorbing good informstion. Most of this stuff usually happens in the most intense moment when it feels like "i get enlightened" i dont wanna say i really get even dough it feels like it in that. Maybe is just my misinterpretation? Anyone ever had similar kind of stuff?

You were almost there.

If you fully let go at the peak after taking a few good tabs of L, I can guaruntee you can fully leave your body if you close your eyes and become un-grounded. One of my most intense experiences happened this way. I saw a mirror image of myself, trying to pull my own self into a black hole. I’m sure if I fully let go at that point I would have had a better time but it was too frightening.

Similar experience.
I was in my room alone, when suddenly I wasn't. My friends were there. I saw / didn't see them leaning on the wall sitting on my bed. They didn't have bodies or faces, but they were friends. They wanted me to go outside and walk with them, so I got up to leave the room, but as I looked back, I noticed that I was still sitting there, leaning up against the wall where I had just been. I don't remember thinking anything was weird about that.

On the walk, we started out walking to the bottom of my street, and then crossed over into a familiar area of the woods that I particularly like
--- and is not anywhere at all in reality AFAIK ---
the mountains are a few miles away, and the woods there are nothing like these. A while later, I told them that I was getting tired and wanted to start heading for home; they kind of laughed at me and one of them reminded me that I was already there. On realizing that, I was there.

I've never really been sure how to classify that experience, it was farther "out" yet more real than just about anything else I've experienced - on the same level as salvia really - and not pleasant at all.
It was 1980-something --- We intentionally OD'd on sea-sick pills - the entire "trip" was unpleasant (and not recommended) - cramps, frustrating communication and the short term memory issues made it a near complete waste.

The above out of body experience / lucid dream was the only thing worth keeping.
Hello guys i have taken acid multiple times and almost every time a weird stuff happens at the peak or when the most intense part is. It feels like some beings/aliens wanna pull my soul from my body out in the sky or they wanna take my soul out of my body. For example i was reading a book called "life is a gift" really nice book full of wisdom, reading this book on acid felt elevating and very eye opening but at the same time an energy "god knows" where it was coming from felt like it was pulling me out of my body and that it was intentionally wanna stop me from absorbing good informstion. Most of this stuff usually happens in the most intense moment when it feels like "i get enlightened" i dont wanna say i really get even dough it feels like it in that. Maybe is just my misinterpretation? Anyone ever had similar kind of stuff?

Yea , that acid is a breeding ground for your brain to run amuck. It's the "Forest Gump box a chocolates" scenario........".....never know what your going to get" .
why would you kick his ass, ive met some great people who just sat down to enjoy the vibes
Because dude just came walking into a random person's house. Do you just let random people come walking into your house?

Its not like we were in some big hippie circle outside. We were inside a friend's home. Rockford IL ain't the kind of city you just let random people invite themselves into your house.
I read them back in the late seventies ,if you do read the Carlos Castaneda books, read them in the order they were written. He starts as a noob and goes all the way to shamen. If I remember right he describes mostly peyote trips.
Jonson weed and the “little smoke” made from mushrooms. I stopped reading at “The Eagles Gift” but most favorite was the “teachings of Don Juan, a Yaqui way of knowledge”.
Jonson weed and the “little smoke” made from mushrooms. I stopped reading at “The Eagles Gift” but most favorite was the “teachings of Don Juan, a Yaqui way of knowledge”.
Jimson weed. Angel trumpets. It’s the roots, not the flower!
Also on another note, I don’t believe that acid, mushrooms, mescaline, peyote are drugs… they are keys to unlocking the majority of your brain capacity that you don’t use. Thins the veil of two different realities. I have seen amazing things while on hallucinatory substances. I have heard,felt,tasted, things that apparently do not exist on our plane. Most think it’s the drugs that are doing it but the capability is in your brain and the substances are only opening the iris on that specific camera lens, so to speak. Can’t describe it any other way except it is in you and gets unlocked…
Because dude just came walking into a random person's house. Do you just let random people come walking into your house?

Its not like we were in some big hippie circle outside. We were inside a friend's home. Rockford IL ain't the kind of city you just let random people invite themselves into your house.

Depends on the situation.
No judgement at all - I might have done the same if I'd been there.

On the flip-side of that coin,
During a wildfire in the '90s (extenuating circumstance) a random dude did a knock-n-walk on my buddie's garage. I was there loading my truck with necessities & memories and we'd stopped for a bong-break when a guy knocked on the partially open door and said, "Stoners! Can I borrow your bong?" and ducked under the door.
Only reason he was allowed in was that he:
1. announced himself outside and asked to use the bong -
2. offered weed (turned down - it was pretty bad looking)
IMHO That's why fighting it can result in a bad trip. Better just to see where it wants to take you and run with it.
Only once in my life did I get a curve ball on acid.......I was with two very close friends, who just so happen to have three and a half ft. beards , avid drug users, connected and connoisseurs in the realm of lysergic acid diethylamide......they always have the " good stuff" , anyway( I'm very high...very...sorry) my head went south after doing a bong , go figure.
if you like wierd stuff whilst tripping, look into alex gray and his wifes trips, he came up with maridians