Welcome to the FARM


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Been meaning to start my grow journal. This is my first time growing all comments and recommendations welcome.

I'm running 7-(100W)CFLs + 1-(16W) because i don't have money for another 100w :neutral:

the space is roughly 2' X 2' and the temperature is around 82F with the door closed, so i keep it open slightly and it stays around 75F.

I have two plants that have been in veg. for 2 months and 7 younger plants who have only been in veg. for around 3 weeks. Most likely go to flowering in another month and a half to two months. any suggestions on how to balance out before flowering (lollipoping younger plants?maybe super crop or top the two bigger plants before flowering?) any suggestions welcome.

pics bellow, enjoy:

Back row from left to right: bubba kush, sensi star, purple lav
middle row left to right: sour diesel, grapefruit kush, cat piss
front row left to right: shiva skunk, cat piss, cat piss experiment plant(i'm cutting the tips of all the leaves. i heard it can increase resin production, we'll see).

more pics:

Back row from left to right: bubba kush, sensi star, purple lav
middle row left to right: sour diesel, grapefruit kush, cat piss
front row left to right: shiva skunk, cat piss, cat piss experiment

the Bubba Kush plant. 2 months old, i got off a friend who i beat in poker. I'm using paperclips to pull back fan leaves so i can expose bud sites.

this plant has been through a lot, at one point in the early stage my light fell on it and it cut off more than half the growth. i didn't think it was going to make it, but it came back strong. here's an old pic

Week one, in it's new home:

week 2(after the accident) purple lav. on the left(about 4 weeks old)

a few days after the accident

week 3:

new home after a month and a half

bubba kush on the left, purple lav. on the right

pics from feb. 20th, the new additions to the family. thanks to hockeyguy713 for the 3 cat piss clones and sensi star.

i was so excited when i got these that i didn't soak the rockwool when i potted them. :cry:
so when i came back home the next day they looked dead.

i immediately propped up the leaves and misted frequently with water.

Here are current pics from today: 2/25



Active Member
New pics from last friday. i left town for the weekend and was worried about the high temperatures due to leaving the door closed. i used a frozen bottle of water to help keep the heat down while i was gone and it worked well.



Active Member
Heres pics from today 3/3. the younger plants are around 4 weeks old now, i've had them potted and growing for 2 weeks now. the two older(2 month) plants have been growing nice. the smaller of the two older plants, bubba kush, is starting to fill out nicely. since i've been using paperclips to spread out the lower bud sites a nice canopy has been filling in.

heres the cat piss plant i'm experimenting clipping the leaf tips, to see if it increases resin production.



Active Member
Well it's almost been a week. i left town this weekend and got back Monday to find my biggest plant, Purple Lav, was wilting from lack of water. i watered her and went to class and by the time i came she had completely perked up. here's some pics from today, 3/9/

I decided to start flowering the 2+ month old purple lav and bubba kush, i'm running with 7- 150W(2700k) and 1 100W(5500k) cfls for the flowering.

i moved the other 7 5week old plants to a cabinet in the kitchen and have them growing under 8-100w(5500k) cfls.

I'll probably try to hold off as long as i can before i throw these with the two bigger plants, in the flowering room.


Active Member
what all will people do 4 smoke! damn! lol....
HAHA, my first time growing so it's a learning process. i really don't even smoke a lot of weed. I've never bought weed before, just having fun growing. kinda pricey hobby though, but i'm trying to keep it as cheap as possible.

thanks for the comments


Active Member
anyone have any suggestions for inexpensive flowering nutes to use in conjunction with flora nova Bloom? i will be adding maple syrup+water in the appropriate ratio between waterings for the 2nd-3rd week of flowering and again before harvest. just curious if anyone has had any success with extra nutes in conjunction with flora nova. Thanks

more pics later.


Active Member
Well it's been a while sorry for lag'n on the update, I've been busy. here's the updates.

the bubba kush and purple lavender have been flowering for a week now, and i topped the two tallest cat piss plants and they're on day 3 of flowering.

Bubba kush(back left), Purple lavender(back right), two topped Cat piss(front)

Purple lavender

i feel bad for this plant. it's been under a lot of heat stress. my flowering room gets far too hot, 90+, but i really don't have any other options, i can't cut into the door to vent. i leave the door open a crack during light to maintain a 80F temperature.

Bubba Kush

this plant is great, it has stayed so healthy and while the purple lavender has been very touchy with my nute waterings, the bubba kush never shows any problems and stays healthy.

The Veg room

and here's why i've been busy and not able to update. i've been trying my hand at cloning and i've had a lot of fun. if i had room i would probably take a lot clones, but i doubt i will even be able to use these clones before i move out and can get a better flowering setup.

little ones on the way.

i forgot to take pics of what i'm using to clone, so stay tuned for an update on that aswell as what i'm using for nutes.

thanks for looking, comments/recommendations welcome


Active Member
Here's an update for 2/19.

Bubba Kush day 12 flowering.

Canopy from above. I used more paper clips today to connect fan leaves together away from the smaller flower sites, to help the smaller flower sites grow and catch up to the larger flower sites. I noticed after i was finished my finger tips were sticky from resin :weed:

Bonus pic of the Bubba Kush stem base.

here's my Purple Lavender also at day 12 of flowering

Heres my two one month vegged clones in day 5 of flowering.

Sensi Star on left and Cat Piss on right.

a week before flowering i cut the top flower off each as clones. i threw the cat piss out today, it didn't make it. :sad:

Cat Piss on the left Sensi Star on the right.

The Veg Room

The Clones

Sensi Star in the cup and Purple Lavender clolnes of my flowering plant in the white tray, they're on day two from cut. i had a piece of plastic wrap over the top the first two days. The sensi star is a week from cut. again, i threw out the dying cat piss clone today. out of nowhere it took a turn for the worse today. the temperature was getting hot today, possibly the cause. i need to get my small fan in there, but i'm out of batteries.
The taller clones in the back are a month and a week in veg.
grapefruit kush, cat piss(X2), shiva skunk, hindu kush

here are the nutes that i'm using aswell as the clone mediums i'm using i bought at Walmart

Price list
Flora Nova Bloom/Grow $35
Kool Bloom powder $15
Molasses from safeway $4
cloning powder Walmart $6
"pucks" seedling cubes walmart $2.50 (25count)


Active Member
Sorry about lagging on the update. I've been putting off, because my computer takes soooooo long to upload pics. quick update coming in a minute. not full body shots of the plants until the next post, i'm too lazy to take all the plants out and put them back in.


Active Member
Finally the update:


The veg room under a kitchen cabinet:

clones i took from flowering plants( cat piss, purple lav, sour diesel, bubba kush). the clones in rockwool are about 60% rooted and ready to transport into small pots when i go to the store and buy more gatorade. There's 6 more clones in the clone dome, 3 will probably not make it. The temperatures just get too hot and i've neglected buying more batteries for my small fan.

3 cat piss in front which i cloned 2 days ago, and the 3 in the back most likely won't make it, on week 2, they're bubba kush

Purple Lav clone, 2+ weeks old

i have been clipping the leaf tips from the taller branch on the right to slow growth and that has allowed the shorter side branch to catch up and hopefully i will end up with two main branches = two main colas! it has been working nicely.

Grapefruit kush on the left and Shiva Skunk on the right

these plants have now been veg'n for over 2 months and are waiting for the purple lav and bubba kush to finish flowering in the next two weeks. then it's into flowering. i feel really bad for these plants because they are growing really close to the lights and burning leaf tips and stressing the plant, but i have to just wait until i have room in my flowering room. Good news is that they are really bushy. lots of flowering sites.


........Flowering room

bubba kush main cola on the back left(2 weeks to harvest, started flushing w/ molasses water only today). Purple lav main cola back right(also started flushing today). Thats Sour diesel front left and a cat piss next to it front right. There's also 3 more plants in the middle row, sensi star middle left, and the other two in the middle are cat piss, one is topped and the other on the right-middle has two main colas. I staggered the flowering so that the back row harvests in 2 weeks, the middle row in 4 weeks and the front two harvest in 6 weeks.

Bubba Kush week 8

does anyone know if the main fan leaves are supposed to turn this yellow this quick? i only remove leaves if i tug them lightly and they fall off. i tug on the yellow leaves and they won't budge, i even pulled one off and it ripped off some skin from the main stem, clearly not ready to go, even though it had turned mostly brown and curled up. any input on if i should remove or leave them be is appreciated, thanks!

Purple Lav (8 weeks)

This plant is a monster. i wish i took more clones from her. i think i took 4 total.

i will take more full body pics of the plants this weekend so everyone can see how they look. i know it's hard to tell by the pics provided.

Thanks for looking!