Welcome To The Jungle


Hi guys, new to here and to forums in general.. I'm a New Zealand native raised in South Australia, which at one point in the 90's had some of the most progressive cannabis laws on the planet(10 plants were allowed and if caught no criminal conviction and $150 on the spot fine was all you got) so it's fair to say there was ganja everywhere, even growing over my fence from my neighbour's yard at the age of 7.. which had me curious about Mary early.
In 94 at the age of 15 I popped my first seed hiding it in the chimney out of mum's view, I lined the chimney with foil and it actually worked great. Next season I hid 6 pots tied in my neighbours trees, she was in her it's 80's and was good all the way to harvest time then her kids spotted them.. almost pulled it off haha. Season after that I grew on the roof of my mum's, again a secret and became a self taught low stress training master as I vined 8 different strains(all bag seeds) over the roof top... So long story short at the age of 17 a gorilla grower was born, it was in my blood from the beginning haha!
Since then I have been around the cannabis scene in Vancouver in the early 2000's, growing commercial indoors in Denmark from 2009 to 2013, 2015 in Trinity County NorCal I started as a trimmer but that same season ditched the scissors to help with the harvest and hanging of a large scale medicinal farm, following up with 2 more years working as one of the head farmers.. the time in Cali was by far the best experience and best crew to work for, 100% professionals... wish I could say the same for the rest.
I did another season growing phenos for a seedbank in Spain, which was a shit show haha! And finally did a full season as a head farmer in Morocco 'over seeing' 100,000+ plants.. wow what an eye opener, no babying plants there.. everything has bugs and pm and seeds but they don't care, after pulling my hair out I realised they won't listen to a kiwi white boy so I just mostly tried to help and observe and burn mucho hash. Runnning 6 x 6000ltr compost tea batches with air compressors was insane haha, one day I'll post some photos, harvesting on donkey back was a definite highlight.
Now I'm based in Costa Rica growing for personal only, until laws change! I'm joining the forum mainly because I always like to learn more and growing here in the jungle is challenging to say the least. Bellow I'll add a couple pics of my last outdoor harvest here in the jungle, it took a lot of work but I finally nailed one.. stoked!
Looking forward to good healthy dialogue with my fellow growers ✌