well a no no happened


Ok guys, i moved in to a new place this past febuary and 2 weeks ago i found 2 female indica(looking) plants in the flower garden. I planned to let them grow but my freind noticed them and pulled them up(theres a story to it). He left 30 mins later and i ran to the hardware store (as fast as i could) and got 2 pots, top soil, rootgrow and a water mix fertilizer 24-6-8. The plants where pulled straight up and the tap root is still there with a few small roots. The plants where outa the ground for a few hours and the leaves have dried out but are still lush green. all the tops are bent over but every thing is green and feels fine. i have them in their pots and i put the root grow on them, after that i watered the soil with half a serving of feralizer between the two. I put them in a big box macked it out with aluminum foil, two 24" flourescent (they look blue), and a fan. This setup will do for now. The million dollar question is do they stand a chance? what else can i do to help them? they looked badass before this mishap.


Well-Known Member
Tretat them like clones and keep the humidity high for a few days until the roots have a chance to restrike. This is a bad situation, so don't be suprised if they don't recover.


Well-Known Member
It's bad yes, But I bet a dollar it survives. Just don't over water, don't touch, no more nutes. Just light and Love, oh and 3-5 days recovery (ICU) time.


Well-Known Member
No they have roots so humidity is not what they need at this point. They need to just sit in some soil that does not get over watered, and if you have some Amino Aid that would help so much, brings back the near dead.


Active Member
i would like to suggest moving the fert out of the mix. 24 6 8 thats alot of nitro if you're trying to revive it. if you can it's better if you cut a node or something of that nature and see if you can clone it.... too high to think... sorry


the ferterlizer is out but one plant's stem looks really purple like a crayola or somthing. all the leaves look cureled up so i dont know if it will clone. what if i cut all the leaves off the plants close to the nodes will they sprout back out. any suggestions will be helpfull


Well-Known Member
My money's on it recovering, especially if it is left alone to do so. Stick it back in dirt and ease it into whatever light you're gonna use.


heres the story, so we are outside drinking beer and grillen some brugers right. i go in to get us both another beer and i see him loking at somthing in the corner of my yard then i see him bolt across the grass to my flower garden and ripes my lil girls up outa the ground. He runs back to the porch where he yells to me "Hey man did you know you have weed growing back here?" showing what he found, so of course i say no cause i know the guy doesnt like to be around the stuff. I lay the plants down by the back door and we go inside to eat some burgers why we wait on the women to get back with his truck. he women are back in a few and all of sudden somthing pops up and they have to leave. hats when i went to the store and got the stuff. i just hope the green girls make it and forgive me for what happened to them. They are looking a lil droopy
so will the tops pop back up or do i need to cut them off. the tops are drooping down it looks horrible
Take the advice you were given and LEAVE THEM BE. Cut the top off? Does that sound like it will be good for a highly stressed plant?

It's injured; mend to its injuries, don't amputate it. Right?


New Member
You planted it, now just leave it for a few days to a week. These buggers have quite the will to live...


Well-Known Member
its looking a little droopy
That's why I told you to treat it like a clone and keep the humidity high. The roots are no longer extensive enough to supply moisture to keep up the pressure needed in the stem to keep the leaves and stem rigid. High humidity, like when cloning, will help her through this until the roots restrike.

Good luck. Seriously.