Were can i get spair tent parts? UK


Well-Known Member
Hi i have a secret jadin dr120 tent and i spilt ph up on the thing you put on the bottom, when i woke up this morning the dilution of the ph up had evaporated. This was not good fot the reflective material on the bottom of the tent... the acid has made it black :(

So i was wondering if anyone knows were i can buy the bottom piece you put in the tent after you build it because my hydroshop only does them in black but i want reflective stuff

p.s was happy it was the acid because i thought my wilma system had sprung a leak and am at the start of a new grow haha


bud bootlegger
idk, but i'd try and contact jardin directly and see if they can't point you in the right direction.. if they don't deal directly with the public, they might be able to tell you about a local retailer who can help you out m8.. :D


Well-Known Member
I would just google it to see, as one shop near me sells the mat separate from the tent, well they did last time i looked.
Dont growell sell them? Sure the price will be steep, i personally turn the shiny side down in my new tent, so the black side is up,

kinda feel like its a waste having a super reflective floor, i did also transfer some plants when i got a bigger tent, century or something, and had the shinny sideup, next day they just looked stressed, i was shitting it thinking this new tent was off gassing,Or somthing, so i went to my older smaller tent a just noticed the floor was black in it, the only difference between the two,(apart from size),
so i turned the ground sheet over a left everything else the same and next day they were looking great, leaves at a great angle,etc.

Im not saying do it, im kinda saying why waste 20quid on a new ground sheet, maybe it would be cheaper to by viscin plastic or somthing simliar...could you not put the wilma system ontop of the black bit? Also having a wilma 8 res i know if you spill ph adjusters undiluted onto the plastic it will melt it . So what out ay...

best o luck.