wet trim left in work bag for 4 days,worth rerunning?


Well-Known Member
Just ran my trim on Sat. Everything went good, I was planning to run the batch a second time. Things got cleaned up,cause I was going to run the next morning. Well the work bag got put aside and I forgot about it. It's been sitting in a bucket with water for 3-4 days. My gut says just toss it, but I'm wondering what you would do? add some ice and water and run it? I'll probably end up making butter with whatever I get...
Just ran my trim on Sat. Everything went good, I was planning to run the batch a second time. Things got cleaned up,cause I was going to run the next morning. Well the work bag got put aside and I forgot about it. It's been sitting in a bucket with water for 3-4 days. My gut says just toss it, but I'm wondering what you would do? add some ice and water and run it? I'll probably end up making butter with whatever I get...

It is highly likely to have something growning in it after 4 days in water, so I would pitch it.

As a second tongue in cheek thought, I prefer to immediately wash my bags, because once the stuff builds up, it is harder to remove without mesh damage.
i used to be a chef (2 yr degree in culinary arts), our motto was "when in doubt, throw it out". better the err on the side of caution vs getting food poisioning, or in your case, mold.
Put lettuce in some water for four days at room temp and eat it........ya, not so tasty sounding huh? Lol toss it :):):)
i used to be a chef (2 yr degree in culinary arts), our motto was "when in doubt, throw it out". better the err on the side of caution vs getting food poisioning, or in your case, mold.

Yah, the 40/140 4 hour rule. If it has warmed over 40F or cooled under 140F, it can only be left up to 4 hours before pitching. Food borne illnesses are arguably the leading cause of "24 hour flu."
Look at it and smell it. If you have any doubts, toss it. If, after your first run you had put it in the fridge, no problem. The plant matter breaks down the longer it sits and therefore you don't want to mix it too hard if it has been sitting for a few days. How much and what strain did you use? What was the yield of the first run?