What about Ex?


Active Member
Have you ever tried Extasy? I want to try it but I have heard some bad things about it like, it makes you extremely thirsty and you can easily dehydrate yourself ect.

What should I expect when I take it?

I also realize that there are different base's like "Meth based" or "Acid Based". Which one should I take for my first time?

If someone could give me total info on taking Ex I would love you forever! Thankies!


Well-Known Member
Have you ever tried Extasy? I want to try it but I have heard some bad things about it like, it makes you extremely thirsty and you can easily dehydrate yourself ect.

What should I expect when I take it?

I also realize that there are different base's like "Meth based" or "Acid Based". Which one should I take for my first time?

If someone could give me total info on taking Ex I would love you forever! Thankies!

Man there are a million thread on this topic over the last 3 pages or so of this forum section.... maybe try a bit of reading first...

anyhow, I'm here now... Do the effort and get the cleanest MDMA you can get.. forget this cut up crap. just makes you feel even more horrible on the way down... I'd aviod the acid based one for a start.. its more likely LSA or some shit like that anyway... realy screws with your pilot...

Expect to be a little overwhelmed as it sets in, you may start sweating, or even vomit a little... realy makes your stomach acidic. After that rush is over get on your feet as quickly as possible and get going... its very easy to waste the best part of your trip sitting down talking your arse off..... now DANCE MOFO, DANCE!!!!!!!

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Yeah that shit can be cut with anything and usually when someone says its cut with whatever they are usually just guessing anyway unless they directly know who made them. So try to ask around the people who took those and if they've done it before and how they compared those to the previous. If you can find molly (pure MDMA) get that I would say it is better, it is cleaner, and you know what the rolling sensation is like so then if you try it cut you can then tell what you should be feeling. Sometimes some people have ecstasy that is another drug completely and will fuck you up so people who may not have done it before can think that is what it is like when in reality it is a completely different drug. I've done ecstasy around 75 times (minimum of 2 rolls per time), done molly probably about 50 times and of the ecstasy I would say that 10 of the times were not MDMA, 2 of those had nothing what so ever. Also when it was MDMA and cut I liked it a lot still but not as much as what molly can do because it's so clean. If you want the mix then take some meth, or coke, or heroin, or whatever but you should definitely atleast once try pure molly and enough to get really good. Of the molly only one time was I not satisfied and it was from a completely shady person anyway and I was a fiend at the time. It's a fun ass drug, dont do it too much in short periods of time, its hard not to sometimes.

When you take them just make sure you drink water and juices (Powerade is perfect) but not too much. Like around a glass an hour, little more is ok but dont start chugging water, it can be easy to make this mistake, if you do just stop and let yourself rest.


Well-Known Member
WHat shit are you talking...

Extasy , E, MDMA, X, molly its all the same thing... (MDMA), the tabs only differ in if they have been cut up, with waht, and how much...


Well-Known Member
stay away from that shit, why do you want to purposely put man-made chem bullshit in your body? I used to do this shit a lot when i was younger and I wish i had never touched it now. I'm sure i looked like a fucking tool on it, and it def changed some things about me mentally. MdMA is garbage.


New Member
just dont hve sex on ex either it will take u hrs to nut and dont become a e-tard either ..thats some1 who takes e alot


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Wow.. so far in this thread there is a bit of bullshit, a lack of knowledge, and no help for the original poster (besides ANC & Psychedelics and Chronic).

First off (let's get real basic):
Ecstasy is Methylenedioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA)
It's a Stimulant (as you can tell from the "methamphetamine")

Yeah, it is always good to stay hydrated, regardless of the chemical you are on, the reason people complain about this is because MDMA raises your body temperature making most people get a little stupid watter happy. lol. All you need to do is stay hydrated, meaning, don't drink an excessive amount that would be abnormal compared to your daily routine. Another side effect from MDMA is drinking too much water! Like I said, people's body temp. raises and they drink like a horse, this isn't necessary. Drinking too much water can lead to Hyponatremia (essentially, water poisoning, or a lack of vitamins and minerals present in the body).

The problem with "ecstasy" is that when in pill form, it is cut. What is it cut with? That is hard if not impossible to say if you don't have reagent testing equipment. So if you can find "Molly" or ask for "MDMA" you'll not have to deal with potentially dangerous or unpleasant cutting agents.

This is pretty basic, if you want to know more or have other questions, the link below will guide you through probably anything you could ask. If it doesn't, come back here.


Well-Known Member
stay away from that shit, why do you want to purposely put man-made chem bullshit in your body? I used to do this shit a lot when i was younger and I wish i had never touched it now. I'm sure i looked like a fucking tool on it, and it def changed some things about me mentally. MdMA is garbage.
I cant be for sure, but Im willing to venture that you actually put tons of man made chemicals in your body. Take any medications? painkillers when you geta headache perhaps? do you only eat organic food?


Well-Known Member
Man there are a million thread on this topic over the last 3 pages or so of this forum section.... maybe try a bit of reading first...

anyhow, I'm here now... Do the effort and get the cleanest MDMA you can get.. forget this cut up crap. just makes you feel even more horrible on the way down... I'd aviod the acid based one for a start.. its more likely LSA or some shit like that anyway... realy screws with your pilot...

Expect to be a little overwhelmed as it sets in, you may start sweating, or even vomit a little... realy makes your stomach acidic. After that rush is over get on your feet as quickly as possible and get going... its very easy to waste the best part of your trip sitting down talking your arse off..... now DANCE MOFO, DANCE!!!!!!!
there are no acid based pills, or LSA


Well-Known Member
stay away from that shit, why do you want to purposely put man-made chem bullshit in your body? I used to do this shit a lot when i was younger and I wish i had never touched it now. I'm sure i looked like a fucking tool on it, and it def changed some things about me mentally. MdMA is garbage.

Its the garbage you once partake of, so it must be worthy of consumption since you now hang shirts from the glories greens of the unknown ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, theres his email...Then again i haven't tried talking to him in months, I don't even know if he still uses the same email.


Well-Known Member
I never got the chance to carry a conversation with him...I was stil a newbie at the time. He must of really knew his shit for shepj to speak so highly of him!