What are my chances of mold?


Well-Known Member
I know that humidity should be between 45-55%, but I cant seem to drop mine.

Mine constantly sits at about 56-57% humidity with 65-73degree temps.

Just curious what my chances of getting mold are, and if there is anything simple I can do to prevent it more.

+rep for all help

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member

Ive got a fan blowing into the side of each drying box, also a fan blowing overhead of each box. Room also has intake/exhaust.


Well-Known Member
-Dehumidifiers are pricey
-Pulling air from a colder environment will be lower humidity naturally but your temps are running on the lower side already.
-Pulling air from a cooler area with a dehumidifier in the grow area will decrease humidity and increase temperature, but be expensive and a pain in the ass.

Yep, what they said. Lots of air movement. Getting it warmer in there will decrease the chance of mold as well.

Idk if you care, but the causal relationships in growing are what I love, so if you care? We are dealing with latent heat in the question of humidity. Water evaporates because it traps heat and becomes vapor. Its called latent heat because we can't measure how warm it is while its in the air, just how much vapor is present. The colder the air is, the less vapor present because it is impossible for vapor to stay vapor without heat. When humid air comes into contact with a cooler object (In this case your buds), the heat is transferred through conduction and the vapor will remain as water. THEREFORE! Increasing the heat in your growspace will decrease the amount of vapor in the air that can be transferred to your buds.

Taking some imaginary numbers - lets say if it is 70F and 67% humidity, you would get .5oz of water on a 2 square foot piece of glass. If it is 85F and 67% humidity, you would have closer to .1oz of water on that piece of glass because the heat is keeping the moisture trapped in the air. More air movement in your growspace will, in this case, expose the vapor settling on your plants to higher evaporation by exposing the liquid to higher levels of heat. How? Heat in the air continually being swept over the water causes evaporation. Its why evaporation takes longer when its cooler outside. All about heat baby.

You will get bud mold from moisture, humidity leaves moisture on your plants.

My advice, lots of air movement and get that temperature jacked up good buddy.



Well-Known Member
I've seen my flower room close to 80% and I've never had a bud mold. Lots of air movement like the rest of these guys has said. My first grow it scared me because everyone says 40% so I bought a dehumidifier and it kicks the temps way to high so I don't even bother.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
well, i just got mold in central cola of MK Ultra plant at day 57 of flower. WTF! I cut off central cola and rest of plant looks fine... I have great air movement, and my humidity is always low 20%-40%... Im so bummed... I think i got it because I water sometimes before they dry completely out. Grizzly, would you suggest I harvest the rest of my plants a bit early? or just keep a close watch on them and harvest this weekend like I was originally planning? None of the others seem to have any mold on them. Im so bummed, it ALWAYS attacks the biggest nicest colas.... FUCK MOLD!