What are the most legendary strains?


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about your personal favourite, sourcandyruntzcookie x47 cinderella lemonpie or whatever.

I'm talking about strains everyone should try to grow and smoke, strains that are the best of the best, for whatever reason.

Northern lights? Blue dream? Those are the only two that come to mind for me. But then again, I don't know what I'm talking about, that's why I'm asking you guys/girls.

Or is there perhaps some kind of ranking? Like most awarded strains?


Well-Known Member
Thai stick.
Late 70s/Early 80s.
Beat me to it! :) Yeah, man. The Thai sticks were THE shiz back then. What a flavor! I finally figured it out....The smell is a combination of roasted coffee mixed with hints of vanilla and chocolate and Kiwi black shoe polish!
We had both the opiated ones and some of the non-opiated ones and some loose buds....came back with a friend who was working in the Peace Corps in 1975 -brought them back on a cargo plane. What a time! Man, the best weed back then, was the best weed that's ever been! There were like, what....maybe 10 different types (at most) of weed that was going around in those days? The only names were just names of where they came from...."Oaxacan", "Columbian", "Acapulco Gold", "Panama Red", "Thai", "Hawaiian", "Afghani" . I know there were probably others, but those were the most common ones I can remember.

But yeah, without a doubt...Thai. It was untouchable and it has no equal to this day.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing (to me) is that there are literally thousands of hybrids, now....thousands....and I've tried a ton of them. I am a living breathing historian of weed from 1974 onwards....and I can honestly say that the original landrace strains were better than any hybrid out there. I threw away jars of seeds that would be worth millions of dollars, now. :(

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
The funny thing (to me) is that there are literally thousands of hybrids, now....thousands....and I've tried a ton of them. I am a living breathing historian of weed from 1974 onwards....and I can honestly say that the original landrace strains were better than any hybrid out there. I threw away jars of seeds that would be worth millions of dollars, now. :(
You and me both !


Active Member
Thai stick.
Late 70s/Early 80s.
PURPLE THAI (Veneno da Lata 86, Brasil)
Purchased in Australia, the Solana Star ship was loaded with 22 tons of marijuana in Thailand. The final destination of the 15 thousand cans with 1.5kg of the best vacuum-pressed honey stuff would be the USA. When the Solana Star approached the coast of Brazil, the police were warned by the DEA, the American drug enforcement agency, and called the Navy. Although the Brazilian ship did not see the traffickers, it was seen by them. To keep it from rolling, the guys threw everything into the sea near Ilha Grande (RJ).

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Forreal though, I'm in a "land of origin" phase of casual forum research (specifically Ace's Malawi, and other sativas) The landrace/heirlooms are amazing