what are the signs of a male plant....????


Active Member
I had a plant that was 4 weeks old..
it had little ball size pelltles at the stem
betweeen the start point of the stem..

i thought this was a male plant so i
gave it to my brother..:wall::wall:

and i was left with 2 females..
which is what i thought..:weed:

but then first week into flowering
i noticed that the females have little
balls on the top too..:o

so now i think the plant that i gave
my brother was actually a girl..

i guess im not that good at determining
sex of plants..:sad:

the plant i gave away was a new york diesel satvia. and the guy i got the seeds from said they would veg and flower all in 9 weeks.. is the possible..??

well can someone help me find some
info on clues to determine sex..:arrow:

thanks in advance:hug:


dj crane

Well-Known Member
You souldent give/throw away any plany in veg state. You should always wait till 2 weeks into flowering atleast


Well-Known Member
Yep sounds like you got yourself a male.............You cant tell if they are males/females until you actually start the flowering cycle.......I have heard of plants that finish up real quick like lowridder and shit like that (usually from like Russia or places with shitty conditions) but most plants are done flowering within 8-11 weeks so for a plant to be completely done in 9 is possible but not likely......I personly dont veg that long.....2-3 weeks max so if you think about it if you haVe a plant that flowers in 8 weeks and you veg for 2 you got urself a 10 week plant start to finish....


Active Member

yeah i want to know the signs too but i also think only being 2 weeks into veggin' its still early.

I know it just a newbie but i think 9 or 10 weeks is likely. Im gonna veg for 3 weeks (1 more week left) and then flower them for 6 weeks. They aren't big ol' trees but from starting off with clones they should yield a fair amount


Well-Known Member
I will guarantee you will flower them more than 6 weeks...... 8 weeks min.........I've talked to hundreds of you guys and you all sound the same........take advice from your elders my friend.....I've been doing this for years........


Well-Known Member
even when growing clones? im not doing seedlings so still do at least 8 weeks of flowering with them?
Yes bro! When people tell you that its a 9 week plant what they really mean is that it takes 9 weeks for flower.......You can veg for however long you want (Its really up to the grower on how big they want them) Then when you start your flower it will take between 8-11 weeks for most plants. You need to ask the grower where you got the clones from and ask him how long the flowering period is!


Active Member
Yes bro! When people tell you that its a 9 week plant what they really mean is that it takes 9 weeks for flower.......You can veg for however long you want (Its really up to the grower on how big they want them) Then when you start your flower it will take between 8-11 weeks for most plants. You need to ask the grower where you got the clones from and ask him how long the flowering period is!
ok will do, thanks man!