what are the the little rituals that you have when you smoke?

Big Joop

Active Member
I ALWAYS listen to at LEAST one Ween album in its entirety when I smoke. That, and I almost always play through either mega man x, or any of the original mega man games, but this is only when I'm home by myself.

With friends, the only ritual I have is that I ALWAYS pass it to the left. Passing it to the right bugs the hell outa me... of course this could just be some ocd thing, who knows...


Well-Known Member
Usually if there's a group of us smoking it goes like this....

Whoever rolls the joint starts it off........ when they are ready to pass it they ask a random question (trying to catch everyone off guard) to see who is next in line. that is how we decided the order that the joint is passed.

We've had some good answers, examples....

Question: Name a type of fish?

Friends Reply:... Maggot

WTF? Haha, problem is he says it every time now, it's drilled into him :)


Well-Known Member
Back in University my buddies and I rented a house, we had a sweet ass tv room set up in the basement. Every night we'd smoke and then set up the room - all lights off, turned on three trippy neon lights, then turned on these red spotlights we had hooked up in the flue of the firelace, so that red light was coming down the chimmney.

Then we turned on DBZ, and took turns playing Starcraft on Battlenet(3v3 ZC NR20.......I loved going all marines sending up armies of hundreds all saying ah, thats the stuff .....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGVZgk7AMy8
Back in University my buddies and I rented a house, we had a sweet ass tv room set up in the basement. Every night we'd smoke and then set up the room - all lights off, turned on three trippy neon lights, then turned on these red spotlight...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGVZgk7AMy8

haha yeah, we used to have three neon lights and a red light in the socket:eyesmoke:

itd either be no lights but neons, or just the red one

with the red one on we always called it the sexy room :roll:


Active Member
haha you guys.

always pass to the left.
roller gets to spark, or whoever loaded the bowl.

i usually think of something to do (like play guitar) get it ready, cheef, then proceed to accomplish a task becuase it's always that much better.


Well-Known Member
I bake my weed in a small toster oven setting in my window before i smoke it. and i never use joints, I'll hot knife before i roll a joint.


New Member
Now you know the Germans did indeed have something besides the fatherland to fight for!! Imagine her waiting for you with a mug and a hug...mMMMm


Well-Known Member
For starters, I prefer to smoke alone. When I smoke from my metal pipe, I have to cover the bowl with an old matchbook to put it out after every hit. I also have to use a dulled nail as a poker/packer.


Well-Known Member
I bake my weed in a small toster oven setting in my window before i smoke it. and i never use joints, I'll hot knife before i roll a joint.
wtf? you gonna have to elaborate on how you get high this way?

for me i always break up my weed on this little station next to my bed. i always smoke glass, with the exception to blunts, of course ;- P. i also conserve my weed when im smoking by my self, ill hit a corner of the bowl and put it out by covering it with my fingers. nothing pisses me off more than when someone roasts all of the green out of a bowl and then holds it while the cherry burns out and wastes weed. whats even worse is when some one holds the bowl in front of their face and tells a story while your waiting for them to take a rip and pass it to you


Well-Known Member
wtf? you gonna have to elaborate on how you get high this way?

for me i always break up my weed on this little station next to my bed. i always smoke glass, with the exception to blunts, of course ;- P. i also conserve my weed when im smoking by my self, ill hit a corner of the bowl and put it out by covering it with my fingers. nothing pisses me off more than when someone roasts all of the green out of a bowl and then holds it while the cherry burns out and wastes weed. whats even worse is when some one holds the bowl in front of their face and tells a story while your waiting for them to take a rip and pass it to you
well its debated whether it does anything or not, but its it supposed to make your weed more potent by converting 80-90% of whatever inactive alkaloids are left into thc and thcv. i got the idea here, http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/5981362


Well-Known Member
^^^I don't think it's debatable, so say my personal experiences cooking with cannibus. A couple of cookies and I'm more ripped than any bong/joint/pipe/vape session I've ever had in my life.