What are these weird a$$ blotches ??


Active Member

What the heck are these weird a$$ blotches/patches ??
They just started 2 days ago, and are spreading quick !!

Because I'm a long time successful grower that spends a lot of time with my girls, I MUST assume this is a bacterial or virus problem.

This is a small example of the blotches, they are on many areas of all my plants.

Does ANYONE have an idea what this is ??
Most of the problem areas are in a strip pattern, but not all. If you look close, you can see a slight bumpy surface. And you can see it goes thru to the back side of leaf. Mostly just on the LOWER 2/3 of plants.

The strains are White Widow & White Rhino from the Green House.

More info:
4'x8'x8' sealed room with 350 CFM blower & carbon filter.
2 x 400W HPS, R.O. filter, all meters available, GH Flora ferts ......
I grow in Pro-Mix soiless mix, water with a P.H. of 6.6-6.8, use GH's 3-part fert at 10% below recommended max rate, with Superthrive and Thrivealive at 1/2 recommended.
Temps are around 78'-82' & humidity around 55%.

ANY HELP ??????? PLEASE !! :clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but there's a thread called "Self Diagnose your Plants" that should be able to help you. It wouldn't hurt foliar feeding them some compost tea though.


Active Member
Here's a pic of one of the girls from a few feet back. Day 40 from seed. Turned light back to 12/12 two days ago. (can't really see the blotches)



Well-Known Member
she looks fine almost looks like a lil nute butn she seems fine unless it gets worse by the day.


Active Member
So nobody knows what all the blotches are ??
They are all over my plants, and spreading fast as I type ..... (sad)