What bring the smell during curing, n the jars? Who know?


My nugs are n a jar. I open them for like 2 min in 1 jar. And 2 hours for the other jar. And 1 every other day? All of them still smell like green plants. I put a big nug in a brown paper bag, put n the window of car for 2 days. It was crisp and crumbled into dust. But the bag did smell pretty GOOD.

So now what gives it its smell when you open the jar then let it sit. Is it from letting out the moisture, or is it once its dry pass a %. What excactly?



Well-Known Member
depends on strain and its' terps but after a good cure that hay smell should be gone if you flushed good and it's in the genetics. good luck and keep at it as the cure is a trial by error skill i have found.


Well-Known Member
I find that alot of my weed doesnt have that good yummy smell while I cure it. I tend to go with it is because I dont fuck with the buds as they dry. Now put that shit is a bag and give it a little shake or a squeeze and BAMMMMMM knock you on your feet from the smell.

Again it REALLY comes down to genetics and if you flushed properly ect... Take a bud out of the jar and break it up by hand. Does it stink to high heaven? Yes? Then dont worry about it haha


Well-Known Member
Last year and now this year, my buds from the jar smell musty. They were almost (but not quite) too dry when I jarred them, about perfect IMO. But when I open the jars and air stuff out, it just smells musty. No mold, they aren't real wet, but I'm not getting that dank smell.

Same thing happened last year


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the airflow while you're drying. Keeping the humidity levels down, and keeping all the air pulled out of the room/box. Along with of course say maybe just speaking out of my ass here, but the sugars turning into alcohol and that rehydrating it gives it a better smell. My pot's smelling pretty sweet on the bush, so I'm going to be happy about how it smells when I'm done curing it. If I can not smoke any of it mwhahaah.


Active Member
think of water. what happens when you leave water standing out? it evaporates. what if you leave it standing out in a jar? it evaporates and condenses along the sides of the jar. The essential oils in your buds that evaporate and give the plant its odor follow the same rules. left out too long and all the oils will evaporate out of the plant and into the air. the trick is dry them out so that there is minimal water left in the buds to avoid mold bud still containing the essential oils. when in a jar the oils evaporate and get trapped in the jar, forcign them to create bonds with the resinous matter throughout the plant, these bonds are more or less more permanent. when you break open a bud you release them again. hope that makes sense.