What can happen if I give my flowering plants nitrogen-heavy fertilizers?


I have two plants that are flowering before all the others on the same irrigation line. So they are receiving large amounts of nitrogen-heavy fertilizers and other nutrients focused on vegetative growth (which is what the other plants on the line are going through).

A few questions:

1) will getting nitrogen-heavy fertilizers harm them in any way?

2) I am going to start hand watering in "bloom fertilizers" for them as well. Will getting both at the same time be a problem? If possible, I would love not to have to take them off the drip line but can if I need to.

3) Any idea generally how long it will take for this plant to be ready to harvest? I'm surprised at how early this is (its outdoor and only mid-july) and I want to make sure i'm ready for the next stage when it comes.

Thanks so much!

