what could be the problem?

this is my 4th grow so still a noob just saying. my plant has brown spots an what may be nutrient burn to me im not sure but it has 1 all yellow leaf and the rest are losing color turning palish green splotchy looking also growth has def been stunted a bit I feed with neptunes harvest organic fish fertilizer only use 2 teaspoons to a gallon it says to put a tablespoon idk if its under fed or whats going on a nute deffic or something im also about 2 months into veg I will post pics as soon as the insert image is working again
ive done alot of lst and topping so i know the plants abit stressed and just recently transplanted into a new pot bigger 1 aiming for 10-12 topcolas on this 1 its krippy bag seed


Well-Known Member
did you let your soil go completely dry? im saying this cause it kinda looks like under watering which causes nitrogen deficiency. if your soil goes completely dry the soil starts to break down aka compost can mess with your plant big time.
Love and peace


Well-Known Member
looks like your locking out nitrogen, if you are feeding it enough. PH issue maybe if youre feeding the right nutes.
the nutes i use are neptunes harvest organic fish fertilizer idk the npk values but its a veg fertilizer so i assume high in nitrogen


Well-Known Member
Not familiar with it but I would think that nute is a flowering/bloom nute at best. Get a real grow/veg nute with high nitrogen, there's so many out there.


Well-Known Member
lower leaves yellowing first is a classic sign of nitrogen deficiency. Either by lack of nitrogen nutes(which I think you're doing), or locking out nitrogen. For quick relief maybe grab a $4 box of miracle grow tomato food and run that at half or less than what it says, until you get a good grow nute.
the neptunes harvest i have the npk values are 2-4-1 so i guess it is a budding fertilizer is that my problem? lacking nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
it looks like the top leaves are yellowing , not the bottoms though

remember, as the moisture in the medium decreases, salinity increases, and vice versa. If you thought you went heavy on nutes, and should it have enough nutes in the potting mix to make it that big?
just a couple questions to ask yourself

check out plant moisture stress symptoms and solutions by uncle ben for some great info, even if it isn't the problem it's a great read
the water i use is distilled that i keep in a dark cool place and i just invested in a ph pen an buffering soulution to calibrate it. the soil i have no idea i just transplanted into a bigger pot thinking the roots were rootbound which they were also an the soil is made of peat moss an some compost it has dolomite lime in it already can i test the runoff for a proper ph reading? and yes experts would be nice lol i dont want my baby to die on me


Well-Known Member
At this point I don't think you can go wrong with a good feeding, they look hungry to me. Start small and see how they respond.