What deficiency is this?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone
The pics are of WW Auto and Super Skunk photo.
The one WW Auto is in week 8 flower the Super Skunks are in week 4 flower.

The WW Auto started with yellow spots and it spread quick. I thought it was sucking nitrogen from them or Calcium deficiency. I have flushed it 2 times. The ppm were at 5200 and 6.12 pH. After the 2 flushes and adding 10 tbsp dolomite lime the ppm is 1500 and 6.49 pH runoff. This is an organic grow using 1/3 FFOF and 2/3 FFHF top dressed with Dr Earth nutes and worm castings a few times.
The WW Auto that' look rough is in a 3 gal pot and the others are in 5 gal pot. So I assume there's less Calcium and other nutes for the small pot.

The 5 gal pot Super Skunk lower leaf starting to show beginning signs of yellow spots forming along the veins of the leaf. I assume this means it's moving a nutrient that is mobile. I am planning on making a mix of 1tbps kelp meal, 2tbsp fish bone meal 4 tbsp Gypsum 4 tbsp Dolomite lime and a 1/2 layer of worm castings for each 5 gal pot to avoid nutrient deficiency in mid to late flower. I also have Incredible Bulk PK but I don't wanna lock out K



Well-Known Member
I forgot to add Dolomite lime to the soil when I transplanted them. I top dressed just 2 of them because as a new grower I was afraid of messing anything up. I added that mix above and 1 in of EWC and watered it in since the pots were pretty light today.
Hopefully the Calcium in the EWC will help. Lesson learned for next grow. I already have 2 batches of super soil cooking right now.
One is lighter for Autos the other is hotter for photos. There should be enough Calcium in those.
My tap water is 177ppm so there should be Calcium and Mag in the water. I hope the flush helped it.
Next water I will water runoff and use my pH pen to check each plant.
The one auto that is very bad in 8week flower the runoff was really piss yellow.
After the 2 flushes it was very light yellow. So maybe salt buildup. Hopefully that helps the lockout.
Although it wont fix the ones affected already. Ill be cutting her down in a week or 2. Will check the buds each day to make sure no bud rot. Should be ok. The buds are still getting a little bigger each day.
She was a runt anyways. I didnt think shed live. Her cotyledon was damaged and the first 1 blade leaves only formed halfway. The leaves after that were so small. The plant was like 1/3 size of the other 3 when I transplanted. So I am surprised she even got 21" tall to begin with.