what do fox farmers do about calcium?


Well-Known Member
Dechlorinated Tap Water. Theres calcium in grow big hydro and a little in Tiger bloom (read beyond the analysis %). using anything else would be a waste of $. are you having plant probs?

Edit: Kelp also contains calcium (which all 3 contain or at least a few of em)


Well-Known Member
I use the Bontanicare Cal-Mag as well, now and again... are you growing in soil? If so, there are both of these elements in lime, which is added to most soils to balance the pH. If you are growing hydro, then Cal-Mag probably won't hurt, but I defer to someone who has more experience with water than dirt.


Well-Known Member
This is mainly an issue due to using RO, Distilled, or bottled water with no hardness in it (Calcium and MAgnesium)

I had an issue with FF as well. I got the green Grow Big rather than the blue, The blue is meant for hydro.

My Im using an aerrogarden, and my plants started to develop rust spots, which I researched and ID'd as calcium defeciency.

I got the Cal Mag 3 days ago and the rust spots have stopped forming. I dont know if the existing ones will go away or not... anyone have experience with this?


Well-Known Member
I apologize for bringing back an old thread, but I figured I would ask my question here instead of creating a new thread. I've used FF soils for my 2 grows along with their entire line of nutrients + solubles. I know that there isn't any or very little calcium in their nutrients, so I purchased Botanicare Cal-Mag. I'm using tap water that sits in a bucket with an airstone. When should I start feeding cal-mag, and how often? Thanks.