What do I do with a Hermi?


I'm doing my first grow and have a hermi issue. was hoping i could find out what the right thing to do is.

I've got a 4x4x6.5 grow tent. 600w HPS with sealed and vented hood. carbon scrubber, fan, ducting, etc.

there are 5 nirvana white widow plants growing in there. the plants are growing in 3 gal pots growing in soil and on organic nutes and soil mixture.

they have just completed their 6th week of flowering and have some nice buds growing now.

today i found the little yellow banana looking things growing on some of my biggest girl's colas. I took as many off as i could find with tweezers but it's pretty cramped in their and i can't be sure if i got them all.

what do you do in this situation? am i supposed to get her out of the tent with the others or is there a chance that she'll not pollinate them?

Is it possible to prevent pollination at this point or do i just have to forget trying to stop it?

with approximately 4 weeks left flowering i'd hate to cut her down this early. she has a lot of good potential i think although she looks pretty sweet to me now.

what's the standard procedure for dealing with a hermi when you have 4 other budding plants in the room with it?

thanks for any help.