What do I do with this jar


Well-Known Member
I was gifted a quart jar of rye all innoculated. I’m not the mushroom guy and need help!
It’s all white fuzzy mycelium.
I was told it’s ready to be put into a tub or planter or whatever. Not sure which way to go for easiest fruit.

I’m thinking just the rubber made chamber with coco and vermiculite. Cook the substrate.
Sterilize srea
Mix in grain spawn and forget about it?

many help or advice is greatly appreciated
I only use this bucket tek for the coco brick... i like using the bags of coco from lowes for like 4 bucks... i mix the coco, verm and water in disposable Turkey pans the same ones i use to catch runoff in my garden hydrate to field capacity cover with aluminum then pasturize in the oven on low heat for 2 or 3 hours make sure its so how that the water is steaming out.. if you need to rehydrate use a spray bottle and save back a little dry cocoa in case you over hydrated.... or else you'll have to squeeze the extra water outa each handful.... do dont have to worry about sterilization when mixing the substrate because you will be pasteurized it afterwards.. let it cool then mix with the grains and substrates keeping a little bit to cover all the exposed grains on the top after your spawned the tub place some bubble wrap or wax paper on the top lf the cake... close and seal the lid keeping the tub under colonization conditions, dont open it for 10 days better yet put it on top of the refrigerator or another source of warmth. Just make sure its between 75/80 f for best growth... after 10 days take the lid and bubble wrap off and expose to fruiting conditions .
I only use this bucket tek for the coco brick... i like using the bags of coco from lowes for like 4 bucks... i mix the coco, verm and water in disposable Turkey pans the same ones i use to catch runoff in my garden hydrate to field capacity cover with aluminum then pasturize in the oven on low heat for 2 or 3 hours make sure its so how that the water is steaming out.. if you need to rehydrate use a spray bottle and save back a little dry cocoa in case you over hydrated.... or else you'll have to squeeze the extra water outa each handful.... do dont have to worry about sterilization when mixing the substrate because you will be pasteurized it afterwards.. let it cool then mix with the grains and substrates keeping a little bit to cover all the exposed grains on the top after your spawned the tub place some bubble wrap or wax paper on the top lf the cake... close and seal the lid keeping the tub under colonization conditions, dont open it for 10 days better yet put it on top of the refrigerator or another source of warmth. Just make sure its between 75/80 f for best growth... after 10 days take the lid and bubble wrap off and expose to fruiting conditions .
Ok nice seems simple enough. What’s the purpose of the bubble wrap? Never seen that before? And do you have filter or air exchange anywhere? Or is that not really necessary? And I’m assuming my garden gypsum is good

so you leave the bubble wrap on for thewhole fruiting time or what do you mean by expose to fruiting conditions? Is that justadding a light source, then take wrap off? Thanks for your explanations. Fungi In general are so mysterious to me. Love learning more about it but my knowledge is very limited lol.
Ok nice seems simple enough. What’s the purpose of the bubble wrap? Never seen that before? And do you have filter or air exchange anywhere? Or is that not really necessary? And I’m assuming my garden gypsum is good

so you leave the bubble wrap on for thewhole fruiting time or what do you mean by expose to fruiting conditions? Is that justadding a light source, then take wrap off? Thanks for your explanations. Fungi In general are so mysterious to me. Love learning more about it but my knowledge is very limited lol.
The gypsum is good to use if you have it sometime i forgot to toss it in and dont really notice a difference its mainly to keep the ph right for longer flushes... the bubble wrap is for mircro climate to keep the air and humidity as close as possible... during colonization you dont want fresh air exchange dont worry about lights as long as it not total darkness. Even in total darkness they will still grown in just not straight up and down ... do some research on colonizing conditions and fruiting conditions... theres more than one way to skin a cat and all this is just my opinion from my experience and what ive read...im not an expert and wouldn't pretend to be some know it all mycologist
The gypsum is good to use if you have it sometime i forgot to toss it in and dont really notice a difference its mainly to keep the ph right for longer flushes... the bubble wrap is for mircro climate to keep the air and humidity as close as possible... during colonization you dont want fresh air exchange dont worry about lights as long as it not total darkness. Even in total darkness they will still grown in just not straight up and down ... do some research on colonizing conditions and fruiting conditions... theres more than one way to skin a cat and all this is just my opinion from my experience and what ive read...im not an expert and wouldn't pretend to be some know it all mycologist
Hey I appreciate your advice even morso. I don’t need to understand everything to let it do it’s job. Kinda like growing cannabis for me as well.
That spawn looks perfect, do you trust this person? Is he well known for agar use are you able to verify without doubt that this is cubensis? Then the simplest thing to do is, Break up the jar, spread it out dry the entire thing grind it to a powder and consume it or put it in capsules. Highest psilocybin content this way. Basically gonna be psychadelic ground grain. Psychedelic flower bro. You do not need to spawn that shit or leanr how to grow mushrooms the psilocybin content is highest 7 days or so after full colonization Citation Psil Prod. book. DO NOT CONSUME ANYHITNG till you find out without a doubt the contents of the jar. Or can identify with smell taste or pinning invitro (in the jar) which it will do eventually.

Just get some cactus mix, put it in the oven at 200 for an hour, mix it with water and put about an inch or so on top of the stuff in the jar.

Put a baggie over the opening, spray it every so often and wait.