What do people clone with +rep


Well-Known Member
Both Nutrient and medium please use the poll and if other please write.

As always any other advice or practices you would like to share will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
I use the cheap rooting hormone sold at local home improvment stores, 4 bucks and it will last for years if you take care of it. The gel has a shelf life and should be stored in the fridge.

I use rapid rooters and can get rooted clones in 5-6 days, it is so fast, and I have had 100% sucess rate and not even one leaf start to yellow on me.
I place the small amount of cuttings in a small dome and set them on top of my 4 ft flourecent tubes. Roots in 5 days....Good luck JR

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Cut below a node...dip into the home depot rooting powder...plug into a rockwool cubed watered with Rhizotonic. Set under a shitty shop light with a heat pad. No dome, just keeping the cube moist...I have a slow rooting strain so I am safely rooted by about day 14-18...Thats really all there is to cloning.


Well-Known Member
i use a cloning gun... it emits a super sonic charge that causes the cutting to root instantly and can be transplanted there after


Well-Known Member
i use a cloning gun... it emits a super sonic charge that causes the cutting to root instantly and can be transplanted there after
...electric or battery??

I use clonex gel and root riot starter cubes...I don't know why i still use the cubes though...those foam pucks work great and can be reused