What do? Problem...

Long Story short...
I went to go check on my plants with my partner
Something went down not too far away (lots of cops) so we had to leave in a hurry leaving all finger & footprints near by...
If it rains once does that means we should be ok & seeing how its a major city if they just got finger & shoe prints can they some how magically track me down
because I communicated the location through text messaging and stuff they need a warrant to even get into that correct?

Edit: Kinda paranoid - I don't care if it's found but I don't want to be found that's why I'm kinda freaking out.
I don't think anyone saw me but I can't go back

It's a totally of 3 plants @ that area so, do you think they really care that much?
Ya, I'm hoping 3 plants is only 3 plants so they don't waste their time otherwise it's deny deny deny... + Canada is a little nicer on mj


Well-Known Member
chances are ur just being paranoid, it was most likely sumthin else the cops were doing, if u want tho just ask around and be like, "hey what was w/ all those cops the other night sumthin happen', just play it off like ur curious


Shit down here 3 seedlings to the cops constitutes $10,000 dollars worth of pot & 15 years in the cell! They are fucking crazy about it! Sucks to live in the bible belt of the u.s.a! Moving out west next year baby!

Keep it smoking!



Well-Known Member
lol. man i wouldnt worry, im from canada (bc) and fuckem they wont do shit to anything under 10 minimmm. theyll rip em up, bring emto the cop shop. if they do you got your self some heafty community service haha. keep growing dont get scared.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine any law enforcement giving a shit about a 3 plant grow, let alone looking for fingerprints or staking it out