What do you feel comfortable purchasing online?


Well-Known Member
If you're buying supplies from Home Depot or Lowe's or someplace like that, do you worry at all? Do you try to pay cash, in store only?

Do you avoid buying from online hydro stores whenever you can? Do you think it's just paranoia, or being responsible, to try to limit purchases from those places?


Well-Known Member
No worries and I pay cash. The salesperson is used to seeing people buy weird shit everyday, they wont even think about you growing marijuana if they aren't familiar with that.
But yes I don't usually buy shit online except for seeds.


Well-Known Member
cash for everything local. i order everything i cant get from lowes online, including seeds, and never a problem.


Well-Known Member
Home Depot , Lowes , local shops .. debit or cash , even asked them to special order a couple of things for me.
Online for things I can't get local and of course seeds ....... all with no worries

happy growin


Well-Known Member
good thing i'm not paranoid. when i go to amazon, they always have growing equipment and supplies as suggested items.

when i started back around 95, i'd drive a long way to avoid buying over the net. i'm legal now so i'm not as concerned. if the legal situation changes, i'll stop with so many internet purchases. i always pay cash locally.

the one thing stores do that annoy the crap out of me, is they'll have their name on the box. LOOK FED EX GUYS, USPS FOLKS, THERE'S HYDROPONICS SUPPLIES IN THIS BOX!!



Well-Known Member
thats the difference in businesses now a days. some just dont care about the customers. plantlightinghydroponics.com is the only place i order from and the boxes are all plain brown and the fedex label has them as alladin lights.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
If you're buying supplies from Home Depot or Lowe's or someplace like that, do you worry at all? Do you try to pay cash, in store only?

Do you avoid buying from online hydro stores whenever you can? Do you think it's just paranoia, or being responsible, to try to limit purchases from those places?
They only things that I feel comfortable buying online are sex toys ( mostly giant dildos ) and holocaust supplies.


Active Member
your paranoid..lol.. end of discussion

you are the extreme minority who purchases these items for pot related activities....


Active Member
Don't worry about what you buy from Home Depot or Lowe's. Endless possibilities on what you're buying stuff for. I've paid credit, debit, and cash at many many places and never had a problem.
I order a ton of stuff from Amazon because I have a Prime account and you can't really beat free 2 day shipping. Though once they start charging tax local shops might get more of my business. I only buy from the hydro shop if I need something right then or know that it is cheaper there.
Nowadays many people like to online shopping. Online shopping is bet method to buy any product and services from merchants on the Internet. Online buyer mostly use a credit card to pay payments. PayPal and credit card payment are common methods of paying online payment. It's available with nominal charge and that's safe way for payment transaction.


Active Member
I will buy anything online except used items and seeds. If i need to i use virtualsunhydroponics.com yet I have a med card and live in Coloeado so I dont buy seeds I get clones. Yet I dont have any problems shopping online.


Well-Known Member
guess depends on your situation. i'm in a medicated state so i don't worry too much. bought most of my grow room from ebay and amazon and from a few local places. seeds from attitude and will soon be ordering from sannies. debit card for everything. i hardly ever use cash


Sector 5 Moderator
Pay cash for everything you can. If you go to a hydro shop, park and walk a block; don't park in their parking lot. But seeds from Herbies, Attitude, Dr. Greenthumb, or Nirvana.


Pay cash for everything you can. If you go to a hydro shop, park and walk a block; don't park in their parking lot. But seeds from Herbies, Attitude, Dr. Greenthumb, or Nirvana.
I've ordered any and everything online. When it comes down to hydro "Stuff', I've put thousands upon thousands of dollarsworth of crap on credit cards. Its not an issue. Any reputable shop will ship your items discretely in nice plain package. I've ordered everything from nutrients & full Ebb & Gro systems to seeds. There are websites where you can buy illegal drugs and have it shipped to you in the mail, nobody will care that you ordered 100% legal hydro gear online via CC.


Well-Known Member
online or i drive to different state to use hydro shop, as i'm fairly close to border, but never my local shop...peace


New Member
Theres nothing illegal about buying gardening equipment so I dont see how they can use that as evidence for a search warrant... therefore I dont worry.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'll buy anything from weed to weed growing gear to seeds to pocky to candlestick holders. I have no reason to worry.


Active Member
Theres nothing illegal about buying gardening equipment so I dont see how they can use that as evidence for a search warrant... therefore I dont worry.
Watch the "lynching of Charlie Lynch" on netflix

In it they have how the sheriffs department setup a camera on the corner across the street from a hydro store.
and they used it as evidence and to get licence plate # to begin investigations to get search warrents. and hundreds of people had there houses searched. and in at least one case, the dude was only growing tomatoes. theres lots of news stories of this happening. you should look it up.

Also, i also get all mystuff from plantlightinghydroponics. its overall the cheapest and most professinall place ive found on the net.


bud bootlegger
imo, you need to have a certain kind of, hmm, what is the word here.. character i guess fits the bill, to be a grower.. you can't be the nervous nelly type of person who's going to jump up every time they see a cop car drive down the street if they're growing..
growing honestly is not for everyone imvho.. to be able to sit back with a room full of flowering, stinky pot plants takes a bit of nerve, medical or not imo as mmj is still illegal on the federal level and even though most mmj growers don't like to admit it, they're breaking the same laws someone without a card is breaking by growing..
ordering things online is pretty much the only way to get certain things for a lot of people if you don't live in say cali or another mmj state, good luck finding clones, so you're pretty much forced to buy seeds online.. then you need the rest of the equipment.. lights, fans, carbon fliters, etc, etc, etc, can all be purchased online if you live out in the middle of nowhere, what other choice do you really have?

i lol'ed at the person who said their recommendations on amazon is all grow stuff as mine is exactly the same way.. who cares is what i'm saying over here. :D