What do you guys think?


Hola mi amigos and amigas!

I love reading other people's rants/journals. Hope you guys like to do the same.

www.nobackspace.ca is a little personal blog that I like to work on from time to time. What do you guys think :)


New Member
Kinda frown upon trolls that's all. If you're not a troll then please understand trolls usually post on a site with very few posts and promote other sites, blogs, journals etc.

Commonsense man.


So I shoulda been a little more active, maybe 100+ posts, then decide to do what I did. Okay =.=

Sorry lol


Well-Known Member
So I shoulda been a little more active, maybe 100+ posts, then decide to do what I did. Okay =.=

Sorry lol
I thought this was funny.

"Laoming Loves to Help #1: How to get over your fear of the dark?

As soon as you turn off the lights, pull down your preferred nightwear undergarment and begin to masturbate vigorously, all while putting on your scariest face possible. No monster, and I mean NO monster, wants to see that sort of shit. PS. For added effect: Stare at the corner and whisper seductively “This is for you”."