What do you like best about growing weed?


Well-Known Member
I like not having to deal with anybody else. People like to make things complicated. Growing it myself is just so nice and simple.

How's bout you guys and gals?


Well-Known Member
Not dealing with shady ass dealers that are always trying to get over on you, with their this is DRO talk and including the weight of the bag. and the potency, oh man the potency...


Well-Known Member
Well Neo, in UK Weed is expensive for any given amount and most of it is Grown in the UK(Mostly Bloody Cheese OR Blues)
Canna understand the obsession with(esp) the Cheese. Oh and the Solids ain't been any good for a couple of decades...though is cheap...

For Me Growing My own is rewarding in so many different ways..and I get to pick the Strain/Flavour I want to Grow...and I know HOW its been grown...at one time Dirty Rat Dealers was spraying the Weed with ALL sorts of shit...even Weed with Glass Crystals? Sand?

You name it, Steam it, Spray it, Don't bother Drying Properly or Curing it....could go on...

Even though this "Hobby" has cost more than I anticipated, and still Learning The Ropes a over a year later.....I'm still glad I started!




Well-Known Member
I like dabs best. I have a bad back and i kicked the pain pills. Growing my own gives me 100% quality control on my meds. Now I can do dabs to relieve back pain so I can function. :)


Well-Known Member
I like dabs best. I have a bad back and i kicked the pain pills. Growing my own gives me 100% quality control on my meds. Now I can do dabs to relieve back pain so I can function. :)
It's creepy how similar my story is. I love that my pain is manageable, and that I'm off the opiates, and I really love that growing gave me a chance to channel my energy into something positive.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
I like not having to deal with anybody else. People like to make things complicated.
Exactly. People (dirtbag dealers, not the nice dealers) can really suck sometimes, and I like doing this myself. The $$ savings is a plus, and I love how smooth my weed tastes -- the shit I get from others never has a nice cure like mine does.

Gardening is also very soothing for me (MJ and flowers or veggies) as well. Feeling the sun on my shoulders in the spring & summer, while I toodle about-- BLISS. In winter, I fool myself with my indoor lights, and it helps with seasonal affective disorder. Sometimes I fall asleep, thinking happy thoughts about what I'm going to plant in the summer, and how I'm going to maximize my yard space and light.

I also love that I am providing sanity and peace and humor to my household with what I grow. I sound very hippie-ish with that statement. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :-)

Silly String

Well-Known Member
It's creepy how similar my story is. I love that my pain is manageable, and that I'm off the opiates, and I really love that growing gave me a chance to channel my energy into something positive.
Yup. Me too. Forgot about the pain management aspect (that's how good growing my own has been for me!).


Well-Known Member
After 45 years of growing Cannabis, opening the door to 40 plants vegging in 4 inch pots about a month old. .....still just blows me away each morning ...lol such vitality too


Well-Known Member
After 45 years of growing Cannabis, opening the door to 40 plants vegging in 4 inch pots about a month old. .....still just blows me away each morning ...lol such vitality too
I didn't realize you were in that age bracket. Sounds like a nice room to open the door to!

My favorite part is showing off my ganja without telling people I grew it. People have asked me multiple times to "hook me up with your dude". lol


Well-Known Member
My trimming job sucked, as did the pic I took. :lol:

Look how white and frosty. :grin: was just a couple of tops that were ready, there is more that is ready, but the seeds arn't mature.


Well-Known Member
The amount of ever improving in quality bud I have is the thing I love most.

Life would suck balls without this hazy cloud of contentment that follows me about nowadays.