What do you think is wrong with this girl??


Active Member
:?: My second dirt grow. all hydro till now and not liking the mess...one just fell out the other day?? after transplant maby seperated some roots?? the ball stayed together fine when i handeled it what do you think??? temps 77 humid at 45% thanks for the help.



Active Member
Let the baby Grow, I had one Wilt over Stem and all in hydro transplant one time and came back to life over night, give it till it turns brown Keep treating it like all the others it will adapt its a plant.


Active Member
It looks to me like its Over Watered or it could be Under Watered. A couple other possibilities could be that the roots are not getting enough air and its suffocating. Some sort of disease or root disease or pest. The transplanting could def. be the problem too, you may have damaged the rooting system.


Active Member
yea it was a little dry i transplanted it when it was wilted and no luck?? has plenty of h2o i pumped the root system with a needle and a air pump from my resi the bottom half looks great is what is tripping me out??


Active Member
002.jpg I guess i over watered this one?? the other 17 never had a prob but i havent watered in 4 days and she's back... thanks for your info.