What do you think - New cfl growdrobe?


Active Member
Hi all.

I'm settin up (first time) a space in my wardrobe. I'm gonna make the wardrobe so I need to know how big the unit needs to be.

I have a wall vent abou 6-7 feet up on the wall which I hope to vent from.

I'm goin cfl, but not sure wheater to get a sunlight sys T5 (6 or 8 bulb) or mulitple small cfl or envirolite (200-250w) What do you think?

I would like to grow 8 plants in a 4.5 x 2.5 x 6/7 feet.

What do you think would be the best type of hyrdoponics for the job? Drip and feed, NFT?

What size fans extractor and intake do you thnik i would need, and how many?

If you could answer any of these questions it would be a great help.




Active Member
im using the envirolites on mine and its going great, nice healthy even growth all over, im growing just the 1 with a 200w envirolite 6400k so its gona be a monster :) going to start flowering any time now with 250w 2700k envirolite.
i would use two envirolites + reflectors with 8 plants and the space you got, if funds will allow it, although you could probably make the entire cost back with the excess yield if all goes well enough ;)

dont know much about hydros im a soil man myself, less things to go wrong and you can control growth by selecting larger or smaller pots to grow in

post us some pics when you get going


Well-Known Member
Hi I started growing 10 plants in a space alittle bigger than you have and it got real crowded real fast. (not a bad thing though lol) Do you know what kind of seeds you have. If your strarting from scratch it would definately help to know what you're growing. I started with random bagseeds and some are now short, some are tall its a daily requirement to raise, move, adjust the lights to the growth. So my advice to you is waterever setup you come up with make EASILY adjustable.
If you grow short bushy plants I like the T5's, but for taller plants imo you want many single bulbs above and around.
I have been having alot fun with my grow trying to keep my plants happy, and I think they are going to reward me for it :)
Best of luck!