What do you think PH, nutes??, over watering?? Please HELP baffled


Active Member
Hey everyone im really worried that my plants are sick..the tops are yellowing the growth has slowed and some of the middle to lower leaves have brownspots. the tips are also yellow. There are about 22 days old . i recently discovered today that the ph in the water i was giving was very high (around 8-8.5) so i corrected it and watered them with ph corrected water of around 6.8
Strain: KC36
Lights : 160 cfl have been on 24/7
nutes: gave them 1/4 strength nutes once about 7 days ago
Pots: there are 4 plants in a rubbermaid bucket thing with 8 gallons of soil.
water : a total of approx. 510ml every 2 days is given to the plants

my question is what do you think this is nute def? Ph ?? over watering


Well-Known Member
give them a rest, 24/0 is not good for plants, they need rest just like us. if you want maximum light go 20/4

also they may be having a problem with such a huge ph swing, they should pick up.


Active Member
24/0 works great for me ,, its like 1 nice long sunny day :) , ,i have never had any problems ,,i go with cfl's for vegg also ,, never ever had any major issues ...could of been from that 8,0 water


Well-Known Member
Same here, I've kept mine under 24/7 cfl during veg and had no issues due to that. I agree with blaze. I think the ph probably caused nutrient lockout. I'd probably flush and then add new nutes at slightly weaker strength.

What happened? My guess would be nute def. due to pH problems.


Active Member
ya thats prolly what did happen....how long do you think will it take for the plant to be normal again the ph of the water i give it now is around 6.8 ....another question ive searched around alot and i have not found out how exactly to flush a plant...I have 4 plants growing in a rubbermaid container thing with 30 litres (8 gallons) of soil and add another 1/3 of that 8 gallons as perlite. so can anyone give me like specific instructions on how to flush thanks alot!!!


Well-Known Member
I should have been clearer,

24/7 is great for seedlings, first 4-6 weeks as it promotes vigourous roots

The plant really needs to rest at least a little when it gets older and bigger, I used to do 24/7 but read 20/4 and 18/6 makes the plants bushier and less stretchy and this seems to be the case so far for myself.

as for flushing, 3x the amount of the pot size in clean water (not tap) flush all in one go or let them drain and do it in parts, up to you.