what do you think~ Smells like hay and kind of piney....need help~


Hey guys, im new to this forums and fell upon it surfing the web. any help is greatly appreciated...

So here is what i got...





I bought a QP of this stuff. When i bought it 2 days ago from the guy i usually cop from, it was very damp, moist, and seemed like it was not cured all the way.

This stuff smells straight up like hay and a little piney. It smokes like "normal stuff" you would get around here but it just does not smell good at all.

I threw it in a mason jar which is about half full and have been curing since i got it.

My friend who seems knowledgeable told me to just move it as fast as i can because it's not the best bud at all.

Will curing help the smell or potency? or should i move it asap. I honestly don't want to hold onto it but if curing will make it better, i am willing to wait a little time.

Again, any input or help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
just cure it..it will bring back the good smell and it will increase the potency a little bit leave it in there closed for 12 hours then leave it open for another hour and repeat within 3 day to a week u should start seeing a difference
It looks like some ok bud to me. Luckily for you, you fell upon the best marijuana forum around :blsmoke:hahaha.

But your right, if it feels a little wet and smells a little piney (or organic-like) then the grower was probably too impatient and rushed to sell his crop soon after cutting it. Most growers on here (especially the big ones) let their crop cure for at least a month before smoking/selling their stuff.

My suggestion is to cure that stuff just like you are doing (in mason jars). After only two weeks of doing this you will see that the smell, taste, potency, and bag-appeal will go waaay up. Just make sure you keep the mason jars in a cool, dark place and your money! If their still damp, you want to open the lids and let air get too them for a few hours a day. We dont want them to mold!

Hope this helps, welcome to riu!
Will curing help the smell or potency? or should i move it asap. I honestly don't want to hold onto it but if curing will make it better, i am willing to wait a little time.

Again, any input or help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

I cannot swear that in your case it will make much if any difference but follow the link and read about curing and what it does and if you like what you read then give it a try. If not … have a blue light special and move it fast.

awesome, thanks for the help guys.

Is it alright to leave it in my closet. Its usually 70-77F during the day and about 60-70 during the night.

Also, i forgot to mention this before. When i FIRST got it, it was very damp; as a noob and with little knowledge, my first reaction was to just lay it out on paper to dry out in my closet. When i checked the next morning, it felt great but still had the hay/sweet earth grass type smell. Ive been curing since but i just really hope the smell comes out more.

when i checked up on it today after about 12 hours of in the closet darkness, there was no moisture built up in the glass wall of the jar. does this mean i just have to burp it and not really have it opened for too long?~is burping literally just opening the jar and fanning out some air and closing it back up?
oh brick top, i just read your post after i last posted again, so curing wont really help in my case much? :-/
oh brick top, i just read your post after i last posted again, so curing wont really help in my case much? :-/
he just said it might or it might not work aye worth a shot u got nothing to lose and everything to get
he just said it might or it might not work aye worth a shot u got nothing to lose and everything to get

hehe that is true.

I read on other sites when in the process of curing, if moisture does not build up inside of the walls of the jar, then i do not need to burp it. Is this true?
hehe that is true.

I read on other sites when in the process of curing, if moisture does not build up inside of the walls of the jar, then i do not need to burp it. Is this true?

yea your right on that one. Chances are between the grower drying it and you finishing the dry in your closet, they will probably be good to stay in the jars for days without any burping/opening (except when you wanna smoke:blsmoke:)
this is my method of curing in which i never saw moisture build up on the jar but on the bud itself

i let it sit there for 12 hours closed then i would go and leave it open for one hour or two then repeat
worked pretty good for me
and don't forget about the FAQ at the top of the page, it's a gold-mind of knowledge!

FAQ ---> 2. How to grow marijuana. ---> Harvesting & curing

That should help!
awesome, thanks for all the inputs~~

so ill just keep in in my closet with minimal burping depending on how much moisture is built up~
I will update again and let you guys know how it goes~~

I know that curing can be from weeks to months but generally speaking in my case, roughly how long do you think it will take until the smell starts coming out.
or will "Only time will tell?"
awesome, thanks for all the inputs~~

so ill just keep in in my closet with minimal burping depending on how much moisture is built up~
I will update again and let you guys know how it goes~~

I know that curing can be from weeks to months but generally speaking in my case, roughly how long do you think it will take until the smell starts coming out.
or will "Only time will tell?"

You called it again, only time will tell. There are so many factors that affect it (DNA of the plant, how much/often did the grower feed em, how much nutes he used, did he flush) So basically yea only time will tell haha. But I would say that within one-two weeks you should definitely notice a difference. And after four weeks it should be pretty dank! haha
oh brick top, i just read your post after i last posted again, so curing wont really help in my case much? :-/

I didn’t say it wouldn’t and I didn’t say it would. I said in your case I just don’t know if it will or will not make a worthwhile difference in your case.

The only way to find out is to try.
If I were to venture a guess it would be that likely curing would help at least somewhat and possibly considerably but I hate to make guesses that some may take as statements of fact and then are later disappointed.
Give it a try, at least with part of it.

What do you have to lose?

Nothing, as long as you do it right.
alright so after 2 days, the type of smell is still the same, kind of hay-like BUT, its MUCH stronger, so the same crappy smell is just more stronger lol.

Anybody who was in the same situation as me, has your smell gotten to that regular bud smell by curing?
ya dude ur not gunna get rid of the hay smell by curing it. you cure to get rid of grassey fresh cut smell to bring out other aromas. What I would as I pushed bomb at one point in my life too is the lemon peel or orange peel trick. probably lemon in your case just make sure u dont leave it in too long or you will mold it up. It will make your shitty hay smell go away and make it sharp and fruity to the untrained nose they will think its great! I guarantee you 90 percent or more of people will have no idea and think your shit rocks!
aight, ill throw some lemon peels in. how should i store the peels in it? just throw the peels inside or should i set it on top of saran wrap or something
also, i heard baby carrots work well too. Would i throw it on top of all the bud or have it in between everywhere?~ would it matter?