What do you think your weed is worth?

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Those of you that have patients and don't mind sharing dollar amounts what do you charge them for the meds? Do you change prices for different strains?


Well-Known Member
I've never taken less then $200 an oz in cash for stuff I've grown, but I've definitely traded some bags for tanks of gas, art studio rental, glass art, and various other things. I'm really glad I don't grow for sale any more because the market is fucked in a lot of places and I don't know if I could swallow the low ass prices.


Well-Known Member
Since I give it away for free it has no monetary value. The value it has is knowing that I grew it myself and am able to share it with others that are very appreciative and reciprocate in kind however they can. I get fresh salmon, eggs, plants, produce, homemade wine and beer, etc... I like how not having any value attached ends up providing me with items that have value.


Well-Known Member
Those of you that have patients and don't mind sharing dollar amounts what do you charge them for the meds? Do you change prices for different strains?
When I had patients, $100 an ounce of any variety. Most went through 2--3 ounces a month or they wouldn't bother with a caregiver I guess.

I'll Also add that I never paid $100 in my life. Least I ever paid was $140. My prices were good. Now you can buy at disp. For $100 an ounce ( some varieties).