what happens when you smoke some strong salvia extract lol


Active Member
I've seen that video recently... thought it was hilarious! I found it cool that salvia can alter one's perception in such ways, but I found it to be uncomfortable. It made my sinuses hurt, and aches and pains were amplified greatly because of the salvia. On shrooms, everything feels so good! I see no reason to ever turn back to salvia, knowing what else is out there ;)

You should grow some yourself. There are Teks on this forum detailing how to. I've never done it though, so I can't be of much help.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I wish I could express the way I feel when I see that video!
Hilarious Man!!

He is scrambling so hard to get out of that window.
They thought it would be awesome to record too!

cary schellie

Active Member
it only lasts a few minutes but i smoked some and fell down from laughing when my friend told me a story about how someone was chasing him but he couldnt get away cause he was wearing sandels like jesus. Then it got so hot and i started sweating and i lifted my arms and it felt like a rollercoaster went across them. nuckin futs


Well-Known Member
they guy at the end is like"wtf just happened" haha, he cant even get off the couch to see. literally teared up it was so funny.
Take this from someone who smoked it about 8 times. I had 20x and I took a huge hit out of a bong. next thing you know I woke up on my floor unable to move and I was in another world. I had a red door at my feet and it was moving swirling trying to suck me down it. It was hell, I felt the ability to see into this demension that I never knew was there. I felt like the closer my body got to the door (at the end of a long hallway) the more my body felt the pain of being chopped up, like going towards a meat grinder. I thought I was dead, I heard voices calling my name, and I remember the devistating feeling that this was my DESTINY, i thought of everything I ever done wrong, and I tried to get up. My body felt like it was sliced into five pieces, i only felt my head and heart. When I was finally able to get up and i felt allowed to have that second chance, I ran to my boyfriend who was sleeping. i asked him if I was alive and he didnt answer. then I saw my flesh choped like it was in a blender and it was next to my head. My whole body felt mashed up and i could see it all around me. Then I fell to the side of my bed and my boyfriend grabbed my hand and all I could see was white light radiating around his hand, filling my darkness and I was back to normal, but that experience changed me forever. I can handle a lot of drugs but Salvia is no joke and unless your ready to feel the depths of hell and the ultimate low I would not touch it.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Take this from someone who smoked it about 8 times. I had 20x and I took a huge hit out of a bong. next thing you know I woke up on my floor unable to move and I was in another world. I had a red door at my feet and it was moving swirling trying to suck me down it. It was hell, I felt the ability to see into this demension that I never knew was there. I felt like the closer my body got to the door (at the end of a long hallway) the more my body felt the pain of being chopped up, like going towards a meat grinder. I thought I was dead, I heard voices calling my name, and I remember the devistating feeling that this was my DESTINY, i thought of everything I ever done wrong, and I tried to get up. My body felt like it was sliced into five pieces, i only felt my head and heart. When I was finally able to get up and i felt allowed to have that second chance, I ran to my boyfriend who was sleeping. i asked him if I was alive and he didnt answer. then I saw my flesh choped like it was in a blender and it was next to my head. My whole body felt mashed up and i could see it all around me. Then I fell to the side of my bed and my boyfriend grabbed my hand and all I could see was white light radiating around his hand, filling my darkness and I was back to normal, but that experience changed me forever. I can handle a lot of drugs but Salvia is no joke and unless your ready to feel the depths of hell and the ultimate low I would not touch it.
I smoke salvia on a daily basis. :-P


I have tried this once. We were at my friends beach house and i took a rip of 40x from a bong... after a minute or two of drooling incoherent nonsense I looked around and it was like living in a cartoon i did not know what was real anymore i began to ask everyone if they were with me or with them... This scared my one friend who opted out after seeing what i was going through. Another friend that did try it with me said he was stuck in his chair unable to move and that he was stuck to a giant billboard and his life was ruined. We were maybe 17 at the time and were in no way prepared for what we did. I havent smoked salvia since, but now I make sure I know what im diving into before I take the plunge.


Well-Known Member
And that in itself is an interesting insight into your psyche and how you see the world, and relate to others.