WHAT has gone wrong?


Well-Known Member

sorry for the crappy pics, they were taken by a phone.

i figured it's a ph problem, should i just add some dolomite lime?

in the first picture there's just a hole on the right side of the leaf i'm holding, no bugs or anything.

new growth has this rustiness too.

and i don't have a ph meter, my finances at the moment kinda don't allow me to purchase it.


Active Member
What age is the plant? What are you growing under, in and feeding? And how often are you feeding if at all?
Cheapest way to test pH is with a liquid solution kit that you can pick up for under £5 I'd advise you pick one up cause its always the first thing to induce a multitude of problems.


Well-Known Member
i fed twice, the leaves started yellowing, i figured it was nute burn. i flushed once around 1.5 weeks ago. i've been watering my plant with pure stream water. a couple of days ago the rust appeared on the leaves, i fed yesterday just a little, but the rust has been spreading...


Well-Known Member
What age is the plant? What are you growing under, in and feeding? And how often are you feeding if at all?
Cheapest way to test pH is with a liquid solution kit that you can pick up for under £5 I'd advise you pick one up cause its always the first thing to induce a multitude of problems.
it's like 32 days old from sprout. i've got 4 cfls, around 90 watts total. it's a pc grow box. i've got soil with pearlite, there were no problems (except a few yellowing fan leaves) until a few days ago. as i said, i fed my plant three times, two of the times were last week and the week before.

okay, i will check for the kit, thanks
yes twisting is a better word. if the twisting progress's and the yellow continues to spread, it is most likely root rot or root tangling. i have seen this happen to where the leaves begin by twisting, then they begin to curl up like rams horns after 2-3 weeks.. and the yellow gets worse and worse. the way the problem was solved was by scooping the root ball out, gently rinsing ALL of the soil off the roots, and seeing whats under there.. if there is a ball, its root tangling.. if they are brown, its root rot.. in this case it was root tangling that was JUST beginning to start rotting on the ends.. By hand, carefully untangle the roots. Soak roots in hydrogen peroxide (3%) for 30 mins-1 hr. Flush soil thoroughly. Cook soil for 30 mins at 250 deg. allow soil to cool. Put back in pot, let roots sit in filtered water for 20 mins. Air dry roots (but do not let roots sit for more than 5 minutes when dry.) Seperate roots and place in pot in different directions under soil. Apply a 1/4 str nutrience and increase from there. :) this should take care of your future
otherwise its just a deficiency/excess of some nutrient.. which means all u need to do is flush it about 2-3 times (allowing time for soil to dry inbetween flushes) and then make up a 1/4-1/2 strength nute solution and start over from there.. it'll be back to normal in 2-3 weeks.. although the parts that yellow will be there forever. new growth will appear much better


Well-Known Member
otherwise its just a deficiency/excess of some nutrient.. which means all u need to do is flush it about 2-3 times (allowing time for soil to dry inbetween flushes) and then make up a 1/4-1/2 strength nute solution and start over from there.. it'll be back to normal in 2-3 weeks.. although the parts that yellow will be there forever. new growth will appear much better
alright, thanks, i'll check the roots.


Active Member
Yeah I dont think its root rot, unless its in a tiny pot and you have been over watering. If that was the case the leaves would be more yellow at the base of the plant. Maybe root bound, but its still a young plant so I doubt it's that to.
Looks like nute burn with an upset pH, Could maybe be heet stress. How far away are you lights? Do you have the air circulating?
Yeah I dont think its root rot, unless its in a tiny pot and you have been over watering. If that was the case the leaves would be more yellow at the base of the plant. Maybe root bound, but its still a young plant so I doubt it's that to.
Looks like nute burn with an upset pH, Could maybe be heet stress. How far away are you lights? Do you have the air circulating?
i've seen a plant be 2 weeks old and be root-bound... leaves began curling/yellowing with only 6 leaves. i noticed the tangling but didnt think much of it considering its size. took it out later noticed it developed into something horrible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I dont think its root rot, unless its in a tiny pot and you have been over watering. If that was the case the leaves would be more yellow at the base of the plant. Maybe root bound, but its still a young plant so I doubt it's that to.
Looks like nute burn with an upset pH, Could maybe be heet stress. How far away are you lights? Do you have the air circulating?
my lights are around 5-6 inches from the plant. i've got 2 cmf fans.
by the way, the hairs on the top bud are not like hairs on the nugs, they are shorter and with brown tips (the top bud hairs)


Active Member
Are your temps round 24°c?
Best thing to do to address all the issues brought up that it could likely be would be to first check the roots. Gently separate the soil from the edge of the pot by giving a squeeze all round. Then gently turn the pot upside down holding the base of the stalk. the pot shout come away easily. Inspect the roots for anything other than white or off white, if you see dark grey or brown roots then it is indeed a root problem. If not stick it back in the pot, and flush. Bes way to flush is to take it to the bathroom, and poor slowly three times the volume of the pot in water thru it, you really should use pH'd water for this. After you have done this allow the soil to dry till about two inces deep is less than moist then feed with 1/4 strength nutes. Slowly increase the nute ratio over the next few weeks.
It shouldn't take to long for the little thing to perk up if it does then there is another under lying problem.


Well-Known Member
Are your temps round 24°c?
Best thing to do to address all the issues brought up that it could likely be would be to first check the roots. Gently separate the soil from the edge of the pot by giving a squeeze all round. Then gently turn the pot upside down holding the base of the stalk. the pot shout come away easily. Inspect the roots for anything other than white or off white, if you see dark grey or brown roots then it is indeed a root problem. If not stick it back in the pot, and flush. Bes way to flush is to take it to the bathroom, and poor slowly three times the volume of the pot in water thru it, you really should use pH'd water for this. After you have done this allow the soil to dry till about two inces deep is less than moist then feed with 1/4 strength nutes. Slowly increase the nute ratio over the next few weeks.
It shouldn't take to long for the little thing to perk up if it does then there is another under lying problem.
temps are 25-27.
just checked the roots, they're nice and white.
poured in some fresh soil, stuck it back in and flushed.

thank you.