What in the world makes it grow like this?


What In the world is going on with this Diesel Ryder?
Its been growing since a month back, It was stuck in 1st seedling stage (2 tiny leafs) for a long time due to too much heat.
Transplanted it in soil with a higher PH and it started to grow in phase with seeds planted 2 weeks later.
Its still very short compared to the other, The leafs are much darker and it looks almost like its on steroids, the leafs are thick and "branches out" at random.

Anyone know what makes it act so differently from the others?



Active Member
Almost looks like heat burn you might have fried the root system. What is your soil mix and do you have any more details that might help us.


Well, it looked like crap in the beginning, the seed leafs turned yellow and it didn't grow at all other than in hight
So I figured it was something with the soil and that it was too warm in the grow room (about 86F).
I added some baking soda to the soil, made sure ventilation was better and I even buried the long stem.
It started growing in phase with the other seeds that are planted two weeks later, but instead of growing big leafs it just keeps popping up new tiny leafs all over.

Maybe I should transplant it in the very same kind of soil mix I used for the others, but I'm worried that it might make things even worse.

Some seeds from the same pack didn't even pop the hat off.
They just stood there, rooted and all with the seed still on.