what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

what is the most lacking quality in this world with fellow people persons

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Well-Known Member
what in your opinion :confused: is the most lacked quality in us humans today personally i belive that if 50 % of this world had common sense wed be off pretty good. what are your thoughts and opinions ? :roll:



Active Member
I think more like 70% of americans are blind. they wake up, go to work/watch TV all day, get home go to sleep and do it again the next day, i believe if just 40% would get their news by looking it up theirselfs, they would realize the "USA" is not as free as they think.


Well-Known Member
^^^ idk bro I think were pretty free. I mean just look at how other countries are treated we on the other hand are fucking spoiled.


Active Member
Went with common sense as well, Being that I go to a tech school atm and I'm older then most of the other students I see a lot of people attempting/doing a lot of stupid shit.


New Member
I would say moral ethics but common sense since my thought wasnt up.

Common sence though. The nnerve of ppl if they would drop their ego and get some scence this world would be better


I think people lack intrelligence and the want to grow themselves as humans. This I beleive without intelligence there can be no real common sense. Common sensne to an intelligent person will becompletely different from a lessor intellegence.

Freedom - Just because you view less free countries or people as less free doesn't make our freedom better it just makes it better than there sense of freedom. Unfortunately we do not truly run our country instead it it runby people pushing there agendas instead of the agenda of the mass's.


Well-Known Member
you are very right in this thought process i never thought of it like that thnx moremeds deff got me thinking +rep for you


Well-Known Member
I would say "greed" is a big factor, but it is in every country.

What you are seeing in America is a decline of the middle class, which runs the country properly. Soon enough the middle class will be gone and we will be like any other country, and have either the really rich or really poor.


I would say "greed" is a big factor, but it is in every country.

What you are seeing in America is a decline of the middle class, which runs the country properly. Soon enough the middle class will be gone and we will be like any other country, and have either the really rich or really poor.
First off greed is in the heart of all mankind its ingrained in us just like other survival instincts. Sad but true in my eyes. Everybody wants theres its just how much they need to be satisfied and if they are willing and smart enough to accomplish it.

Actually the lower clas run the country. Is the garbage man or the janitor middle class? HOw about your mechanic? I think not. I do agree that the middle class in this country is a hugely under valued comodity. Redistribution of wealth(taxes) in this country are the true problem in killing the middle class. Promoting those who can afford to promote themselves. Just the opinion of a guy who does accounting and finance for a living.


Well-Known Member
well said moremeds again
First off greed is in the heart of all mankind its ingrained in us just like other survival instincts. Sad but true in my eyes. Everybody wants theres its just how much they need to be satisfied and if they are willing and smart enough to accomplish it.

Actually the lower clas run the country. Is the garbage man or the janitor middle class? HOw about your mechanic? I think not. I do agree that the middle class in this country is a hugely under valued comodity. Redistribution of wealth(taxes) in this country are the true problem in killing the middle class. Promoting those who can afford to promote themselves. Just the opinion of a guy who does accounting and finance for a living.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna say honor. Not 'battlefield honor' necessarily......just being honorable.

Not on the list, but I think it encompasses nearly all the listed options.

People doing things, because it's the right thing to do.

People not stepping over hurt people on the streets, acting like they don't see them.

People who don't value money over human life, or human liberties, civil rights.....whatever.

People who actually stand up to police corruption........like other cops. Hiding behind the badge is the ultimate betrayal to the very people who pay their wages, and that they swore to protect.
Or even a cop that might not accept his 'suspension with pay' because he knows what he/she did was wrong. You know they ALL take that pay, even though they fucked up........maybe killed someone.......maybe robbed someone.....abused someone's rights........but they all accept that 'suspension with pay' check.

People who give to charity because it's a good thing to do, not simply because it's a tax deduction.

Government officials that serve their country, because they love their country, NOT because they get a fat fuckin pension.

There is very little honor left in this world in my opinion.


Active Member
I think the world lacks compassion more than anything else. You can have all the common sense in the world but if you lack the compassion to use it, it is lost in greed and the perpetuation of one's self rather than doing better for the whole. Call me a socialist or communist, I'm fine with that. God forbid everybody have REAL equality. Instead it's the rich helping the rich get richer, rather than everyone pushing for the greater good. It's been the cause of the decline of social morality for the last decade. Everyone hates being poor and the only people who can help turn that around are the wealthiest 1%. If the world had more compassion, maybe all these billionaires and trillionaires would put their money where there mouth is, NOT for posterity or philanthropy's sake, and really help out the world's poor and hungry.

This has been your local service announcement from the Peanut Gallery.


Well-Known Member
i went with compassion. not sure if it's correlates to people not giving a fuck,
but, people don't seem to give a fuck.
we need a 'general' respect.


Well-Known Member
well said well said
I think the world lacks compassion more than anything else. You can have all the common sense in the world but if you lack the compassion to use it, it is lost in greed and the perpetuation of one's self rather than doing better for the whole. Call me a socialist or communist, I'm fine with that. God forbid everybody have REAL equality. Instead it's the rich helping the rich get richer, rather than everyone pushing for the greater good. It's been the cause of the decline of social morality for the last decade. Everyone hates being poor and the only people who can help turn that around are the wealthiest 1%. If the world had more compassion, maybe all these billionaires and trillionaires would put their money where there mouth is, NOT for posterity or philanthropy's sake, and really help out the world's poor and hungry.

This has been your local service announcement from the Peanut Gallery.


Well-Known Member
Common sense is the most prolific deficiency among humanity but i find that understanding is just as bad in many others.We tend to misunderstand one another far more often than realized which leads to so many other problems,one can only imagine from thereon.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i may add your gif pic there with the cat is asshole busting lmfao :lol:
Yeah....lol....it gets quite a few people that way. I just about shit when I saw it browsing GifBin.

I have heard that saying in your sig before, just kind of forgot about it. Bust my gut when I saw it again.