What is a Dollar!


Well-Known Member
alright kids to sum it all up.

what was there before we had money??

Well before money there was an extensive system of bartering including food and goods. Like ill give you two eggs for a bushel of corn to feed the chickens.

monetary systems are completely absurd without a need for transactable (tangible) goods. other than that they are a tool to be wielded by governments to assume that money equals power. its all to much head hurts ow...


New Member
Well before money there was an extensive system of bartering including food and goods. Like ill give you two eggs for a bushel of corn to feed the chickens So which came first, the chicken or the egg?


Well-Known Member
alright kids to sum it all up.

what was there before we had money??

Well before money there was an extensive system of bartering including food and goods. Like ill give you two eggs for a bushel of corn to feed the chickens.

monetary systems are completely absurd without a need for transactable (tangible) goods. other than that they are a tool to be wielded by governments to assume that money equals power. its all to much head hurts ow...
money has its useful points too. say i have a lot of fish, bob has corn and maria has nuggets. well i need nuggets bob needs fish and maria needs corn. instead of us having to find out who needs what where, we use money.


New Member
money has its useful points too. say i have a lot of fish, bob has corn and maria has nuggets. well i need nuggets bob needs fish and maria needs corn. instead of us having to find out who needs what where, we use money. There's nothing wrong with money, it's the burning desire to accumulate money that's wrong. You're a Christian, at least That's what I thought I got out of your posts. It says this very thing in the Bible, do you agree?


Active Member
Excellent question OG ... and THAT was the point of the thread. Sorry to say, that others far less astute than you have missed the point. Most likely because they are completely deviod of a knowledge of our monetary history.

To answer your question, ten "dollars" of our present money would look like ten rectangular pieces of paper with the logo "Federal Reserve Note" written on them. They are replacable by nothing more than ten more pieces of paper. If we had money backed with gold, or another precious metal as the Founders intended, ten "dollars" would look like gold or silver coins ... and that paper Gold/Silver Certificate could be redeemed at any bank for the precious metal it represents.

And here is the big scam that those who do not understand monetary history aren't aware of: With a fiat (Paper) money system, all the government has to do to create another "dollar" is to print one out of thin air. This printed "dollar" inflates the money supply and becomes a hidden tax upon the people.

With a precious metal system, the only way another "dollar" can be created, is to dig more precious metal out of the ground. Therefore, no hidden tax in the form of inflation.

Again ... thanks for asking the question.

Vi, you and I know this was a simple way of gloating the little knowledge you have. You're lucky someone was bothered with you.


New Member
"Vi, you and I know this was a simple way of gloating the little knowledge you have. You're lucky someone was bothered with you."

Oisin ...

Other than being from a country that prides itself in the fact that virgin wool comes from sheep that can outrun the shepard, do you have anything positive to contribute here?
