what is better?


Well-Known Member
hi guys, just wondering if anyone knew what is better to use black strap molasses or sucanat, which provides more nutrients:leaf:



Don't know the answer but here is a place to find out Making Tea is Easy &.....and cheap by OhSoGreen, great thread. Hope that points you in the right direction


Well-Known Member
nice thats what i am going for just read about sucanat a couple of days ago just seeing if anyone knew anything about it, let me know how ur molasess effects ur plants


Well-Known Member
i've just tried molasses for my grow, and it's worked real nice
molasses contains a lot of nice things, a bit of nitrogen and phosphorus, considerably more potassium, and iron
that and other trace elements that i can't list off so easily


Well-Known Member
well, this is just my experience, but i've had some good luck with bone meal, both as a soil amendment and as a tea
brewed molasses/bone meal tea, used that as my only nute to feed, this the current state of a micro grow