What is causing my leaves to look like this ?? pics posted


Hi there I have been doing research on different problems and symptoms and cant seem to pin point exactly what problem I have or the cause of it either.
here are pics of the leaves . 11 seedlings all together . 5 are showing the problems on leaves . I have been doing everything exactly the same for all plants . all germinated within 3 days of each other . i have read that if you have a fan blowing directly on the plants this can cause the leaves to show signs of sickness. I do have a small fan blowing on the plants which were the 5 that showed these signs . the other 6 did not have the fan and do not show these symptoms.. using dnf nutes at only 1/4 strength of rec. dose. temps are at 75 most of time 78 highest 69 lowest. 30 - 40 percent rh humidity....... plz help asap so i know what im doing wrong...



on the bag it doesnt say about having any ferts in it that is why I added the nutes .. the feed schedule with my nutes says its okay for seedlings and so did the sales person at hydro store .. I thought i could be nutes but the guy at hydro store said to use nutes on seedlings when growing in the pro mix soil


New Member
how many times have you fed the plant so far? you should only be feeding once a week if you want to be a heavy feeder.

hp pro mix is a great soil that could probably grow plants without any additional nutes.

are you letting the soil dry out between waterings?


Well-Known Member
I have been doing everything exactly the same for all plants . all germinated within 3 days of each other . i have read that if you have a fan blowing directly on the plants this can cause the leaves to show signs of sickness. I do have a small fan blowing on the plants which were the 5 that showed these signs . the other 6 did not have the fan and do not show these symptoms..
I would think you just solved your own mystery, though I have never seen a fan make discoloration like that, so I would agree-back off the nutes.
Those are too small to be feeding yet.


I have fed them 3 TIMES the feed chart says every other watering so that is what I have been doing . I have been letting about 10% water run off.
When should I start feeding again and at what rate. Only once a week .. Through the whole grow? Veg and flowering ?


New Member
way too much as a baby..its developing dude it doesnt need jack but the air and the water

i had to feed 0 times in organic soil until week 4, but i coulda gone longer. i just want to start feeding them heavy in bloom like once a week, so i started even though the color was a nice green.

if your soultion suggests to water that much, its probably watered down like the .01 bottles

just get a concentrate next time, unless you enjoy feeding them just dont overdo it


Well-Known Member
I have fed them 3 TIMES the feed chart says every other watering so that is what I have been doing . I have been letting about 10% water run off.
When should I start feeding again and at what rate. Only once a week .. Through the whole grow? Veg and flowering ?
Take our advice and please, lay off the nutes right now. The discoloration you see is from nutrient burns and if you keep this going, your plants may suffer from nutrient lockout...


Bought nutes two saturdays ago feed 3 most likely 4 times since then .
Some leaves have cracked and fallen off. are the plants doomed our will they recover


Bought nutes two saturdays ago feed 3 most likely 4 times since then .
Some leaves have cracked and fallen off. are the plants doomed our will they recover


New Member
theyre fine just change some stuff and see if it works. just dont change too much at once

check soil ph too the runoff water see if its ok itll tell you what the soil lifes like


Well-Known Member
Bought nutes two saturdays ago feed 3 most likely 4 times since then .
Some leaves have cracked and fallen off. are the plants doomed our will they recover
First, I would advise next time you water, to flush-just give 4 or 5 times the volume of your container of straight water.
If your soil is half dry, go ahead and do it now.
The burning will continue for a few days, but I think you can still save them.
You never said how old they are, but they don't look more than 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.
I wouldn't feed for at least another week if it was me, and lastly, don't listen to advice from employees of a facility whose sole purpose is to collect your money unless you know their growing skills.


Well-Known Member
It looks like your over watering them. I don't believe you have a problem with over feeding them. The leaf tips are not turning yellow or curling. There's discoloration spot inside the leaf that look similar to some over watering pics I seen. Check it out bro. Do a little google research.


New Member
there it is again lmao it makes me laugh. that plant i hit with like 3 times the amount of water one time to get the urine out of it, and it was hurt for a whole week becuase of the heavy flush lolol

thats a bad life story

the problem is the roots are hurt. too much chemical burning them, too much water suffocating them, soil looks airy so its not mud. probably the chems.