What is more important for growing cannabis: the soil or the nutrients?


Hi guys, so I could either buy a couple of bags of fox farm ocean forest (14 bucks a bag at the store near me) or just get this organic Miracle grow potting soil designed special for root development at a much cheaper cost. I figured I could get the cheaper Miracle grow soil and just get Fox Farms nutes (big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big) and still grow quality cannabis for less.

Is this the case? Or is soil equally important if not more important than the nutes? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
The 2 most important things 1- temps under 80 2- feed with hydro nutes every watering in small pots at 6.5 ph and youll have no problems. You only need small pots as the root system doesnt expand like normal in soil as its being fed every watering no need for roots to expand too much, small pots are much better for aeration and almost no chance of overwatering giving you healthy plants with no droop.


Active Member
If you get the fox farms soil it already has nutes in it, potentially enough so to grow your plant to completion without adding nutrients (if youre staying small) but you only NEED nutrients if the plant asks for them.
Also be careful miracle grow, know what gnat eggs are and check the bags before you buy them.


Well-Known Member
Well, the problem you are going to run into is MG has time released nutrients and if you are trying to add nutrients to time released, you will have no idea how much you are feeding at any given time. That is what makes MG hard to deal with when growing MJ.


Well-Known Member
soil is just a medium to hold elements and nutrients. and you don't even need those hydro shop nute lines. just buy mg tomato food. nitroform blue powder. use a weaker rate for indoor plants. or peters. I add ground azomite which has over 70 elements in it. some dolo lime and sometimes some bone or blood meal.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing my test plant with MG... seems to be doing just fine. Hasn't had any nute burn, and I didn't actually buy any nutes until I moved her to flowering. In fact, the only problem I've had thus far is a nitrogen toxicity which happened as a result of the nutes I was giving it.